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All are welcome to attend our 1st Annual Regional Cultural Awareness Training.

Kawerak Wellness is excited to host Empowering YOU LLC to present a collective journey of cultural enlightenment and connection. The agenda includes topics of Cross Cultural Communication, Power Dynamics, Intercultural Conflict Styles, Conflict Management Styles, and  Intersectionality.

Date: March 27 & 28

Time: 9am-4pm

Location: Mini Convention Center


To register and see the agenda visit



This unique experience is designed not only to broaden your cultural horizons but to deeply connect you with the rich traditions and heritage of Native Alaskan Culture.

Through engaging, immersive sessions, we aim to enhance our collective cultural understanding, tackle significant challenges, and celebrate the invaluable contributions of Alaskan Native heritage. This training is an exceptional opportunity to empower your voice, embrace inclusivity, and cultivate a profound respect and understanding for diverse cultures.

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