• Kawerak, Inc.
    P.O. Box 948
    Nome, AK 99762

  • 907.443.4368

Arctic Watch

Arctic Watch is an effort to build a sea traffic management system in the Bering Strait. Arctic Watch would direct vessels in real time on the safest and most efficient routes to keep vessels, communities, and wildlife safe.Increasing amount of marine vessel traffic through the Bering Strait is a high concern for our region’s Tribes and Tribes want more information about this vessel traffic and influence over it. For these reasons, Kawerak is partnering with a group of organizations to develop Arctic Watch, and will design the project in collaboration with Tribes to meet the needs of the region.

Marine Program

Kawerak was awarded funds from The Oak Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts to address potential impacts related to increased marine shipping on individuals, subsistence resources and the environment within our region. Numerous tribal, environmental, state, federal, and international interests have undertaken action and discussions to address the impacts of global climate change and increased marine shipping in the Arctic. Arctic marine transits have increased in the last decade through ice free Arctic waters to transport resources and people from all parts of the globe. Kawerak must engage in these important discussions due to the potential impacts to our way of life. Subsistence resources, the environment, and culture are vital aspects of Alaska’s first people and the public at large. Kawerak’s Marine Program will advocate for local priorities and propose actions to minimize negative impacts of increased shipping in the Bering and Chukchi Seas.

Anna Rose MacArthur, Marine Advocate

Resources & Documents



Notice of Availability (NOA) of the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Oil Spill Response: Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool

Open Comment Period for New 5-Year National Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Oil and Gas Leasing options for the Outer Continental Shelf Federal Register Request for Comments

Shell ends offshore drilling in Alaska

Shell: Arctic exploration just didn’t work out

Shell leaves door open for future exploration in Alaska’s Arctic


Tribal input on marine carbon dioxide removal federal research planning Comment Letter 5.23.24

Letter Port of Nome Strategic Development Plan Update – Phase A Draft Comment Letter 5.14.23

Letter Urging Action of US Coast Guard to Expedite Port Access Route Study (PARS) 11.14.23

Letter to President Biden on Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area

Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area Summary

Bering Strait Voices on Arctic Shipping Report 2016

Bering Strait Voices on Arctic Shipping Final Report 2014

USCG PARS comment letter 5-30-2017

US Coast Guard Port Access Route Study

Kawerak Comment Letter 6-1-2015

Kawerak Coment Letter 1-5-2015 (PARS study)


“Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment”

“Finding of No Significant Impact and Port of Nome Modification”

Alternative Planning Criteria : Following the publication of the Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) National Guidelines for Vessel Response Plans, the Coast Guard’s 17th District has developed initial interim guidance as vessel owners/operators and APC administrators develop and renew alternatives.  The below document identifies areas for consideration as alternatives are submitted for operation in Alaska.

Coast Guard studies shipping lanes for Bering Sea routes

As warming leads to more Bering Strait vessel traffic, Coast Guard studies shipping lanes

Impacts and solutions for increased shipping in the Bering Strait

A Bering Strait vessel traffic service: Critical infrastructure for an opening Arctic (Part I)

Vessels, risks, and rules: Planning for safe shipping in Bering Strait

First ship routes recommended for the Bering Strait

Coast Guard proposes Bering Straits shipping route

Maritime Symposium addresses increased Bering Strait ship traffic

Bering Strait ship traffic grows, with Russia leading way and Alaska lagging

Coast Guard proposes shipping lanes through Alaska’s Bering Strait

Why the Bering Strait is under siege

National Marine Fisheries Service Comment on Climate Resilience

Comments on the Department of the Interior’s Federal Oil and Gas Program

Letter to President Biden on Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area

Emergency Contact Information

US Coast Guard, National Response Center
(Oil spill/chemical spill/maritime security)
USCG, Maritime emergency in State 1-800-478-5555 or 1-888-399-5555
Maritime emergency Nationwide & International 1-907-463-2000
Emergency VHF-FM Channel 16
Emergency HF 2183.4 (2182) and 4126.4 (4125)
Telex 496115066
Easylink 62907427
State of Alaska, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
(Protect lives and property from terrorism and all other hazards)
1-907-428-000, 1-877-242-5643
State of Alaska, Alaska State Troopers – Nome
Search & Rescue
Port of Nome 1-907-443-6619
Capt of the Port, Western Alaska 1-907-428-4200
USCG Homeland security – Radio information for boaters (incl. frequencies)
NOAA NMFS (Marine mammal stranding) 1-877-925-7773

Vessel Traffic Data for Communities

Wondering what kinds of ships are passing near your community? Feel free to reach out to Kelly Kapsar – she is a researcher using satellite data to look at the Bering Strait region. Kelly is happy to provide free reports of historic ship traffic from 2015-2022 in and around any coastal community of the Bering Strait. She’s also eager to learn more about what community members are seeing on the ground and how that compares to what she is seeing from satellites. You can reach her by email at to get a copy of a report for your community or share any ideas or questions you may have.

Here is an example of data created for the community of Gambell:


Marine Program

Kawerak was awarded funds from The Oak Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts to address potential impacts related to increased marine shipping on individuals, subsistence resources and the environment within our region. Numerous tribal, environmental, state, federal, and international interests have undertaken action and discussions to address the impacts of global climate change and increased marine shipping in the Arctic. Arctic marine transits have increased in the last decade through ice free Arctic waters to transport resources and people from all parts of the globe. Kawerak must engage in these important discussions due to the potential impacts to our way of life. Subsistence resources, the environment, and culture are vital aspects of Alaska’s first people and the public at large. Kawerak’s Marine Program will advocate for local priorities and propose actions to minimize negative impacts of increased shipping in the Bering and Chukchi Seas.

Arctic Watch

Arctic Watch is an effort to build a sea traffic management system in the Bering Strait. Arctic Watch would direct vessels in real time on the safest and most efficient routes to keep vessels, communities, and wildlife safe.Increasing amount of marine vessel traffic through the Bering Strait is a high concern for our region’s Tribes and Tribes want more information about this vessel traffic and influence over it. For these reasons, Kawerak is partnering with a group of organizations to develop Arctic Watch, and will design the project in collaboration with Tribes to meet the needs of the region.

Anna Rose MacArthur, Marine Advocate

Resources & Documents



Notice of Availability (NOA) of the 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Oil Spill Response: Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool

Open Comment Period for New 5-Year National Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Oil and Gas Leasing options for the Outer Continental Shelf Federal Register Request for Comments

Shell ends offshore drilling in Alaska

Shell: Arctic exploration just didn’t work out

Shell leaves door open for future exploration in Alaska’s Arctic


Tribal input on marine carbon dioxide removal federal research planning Comment Letter 5.23.24

Letter Port of Nome Strategic Development Plan Update – Phase A Draft Comment Letter 5.14.23

Letter Urging Action of US Coast Guard to Expedite Port Access Route Study (PARS) 11.14.23

Letter to President Biden on Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area

Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area Summary

Bering Strait Voices on Arctic Shipping Report 2016

Bering Strait Voices on Arctic Shipping Final Report 2014

USCG PARS comment letter 5-30-2017

US Coast Guard Port Access Route Study

Kawerak Comment Letter 6-1-2015

Kawerak Coment Letter 1-5-2015 (PARS study)


“Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment”

“Finding of No Significant Impact and Port of Nome Modification”

Alternative Planning Criteria : Following the publication of the Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) National Guidelines for Vessel Response Plans, the Coast Guard’s 17th District has developed initial interim guidance as vessel owners/operators and APC administrators develop and renew alternatives.  The below document identifies areas for consideration as alternatives are submitted for operation in Alaska.

Coast Guard studies shipping lanes for Bering Sea routes

As warming leads to more Bering Strait vessel traffic, Coast Guard studies shipping lanes

Impacts and solutions for increased shipping in the Bering Strait

A Bering Strait vessel traffic service: Critical infrastructure for an opening Arctic (Part I)

Vessels, risks, and rules: Planning for safe shipping in Bering Strait

First ship routes recommended for the Bering Strait

Coast Guard proposes Bering Straits shipping route

Maritime Symposium addresses increased Bering Strait ship traffic

Bering Strait ship traffic grows, with Russia leading way and Alaska lagging

Coast Guard proposes shipping lanes through Alaska’s Bering Strait

Why the Bering Strait is under siege

National Marine Fisheries Service Comment on Climate Resilience

Comments on the Department of the Interior’s Federal Oil and Gas Program

Letter to President Biden on Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area

Emergency Contact Information

US Coast Guard, National Response Center
(Oil spill/chemical spill/maritime security)
USCG, Maritime emergency in State 1-800-478-5555 or 1-888-399-5555
Maritime emergency Nationwide & International 1-907-463-2000
Emergency VHF-FM Channel 16
Emergency HF 2183.4 (2182) and 4126.4 (4125)
Telex 496115066
Easylink 62907427
State of Alaska, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
(Protect lives and property from terrorism and all other hazards)
1-907-428-000, 1-877-242-5643
State of Alaska, Alaska State Troopers – Nome
Search & Rescue
Port of Nome 1-907-443-6619
Capt of the Port, Western Alaska 1-907-428-4200
USCG Homeland security – Radio information for boaters (incl. frequencies)
NOAA NMFS (Marine mammal stranding) 1-877-925-7773

Vessel Traffic Data for Communities

Wondering what kinds of ships are passing near your community? Feel free to reach out to Kelly Kapsar – she is a researcher using satellite data to look at the Bering Strait region. Kelly is happy to provide free reports of historic ship traffic from 2015-2022 in and around any coastal community of the Bering Strait. She’s also eager to learn more about what community members are seeing on the ground and how that compares to what she is seeing from satellites. You can reach her by email at to get a copy of a report for your community or share any ideas or questions you may have.

Here is an example of data created for the community of Gambell:



  • Kawerak, Inc.
    P.O. Box 948
    Nome, AK 99762

  • 907.443.4368