Kawerak Inc has issued a public statement to urge Senator Lisa Murkowski to vote NO to the appointment of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh’s track record on rulings and opinions is of great concern to the well-being of our region. Specifically, Kawerak is concerned about his stance on affirmative action, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian rights, protections, and services, voting rights for minorities, and protection of the environment and endangered species. Additionally, given his record of supporting states’ rights – Kawerak is especially concerned about the subsistence protection rights of Alaska Natives on federal lands and waters given the fact that the Supreme Court is set to hear Sturgeon v. Frost, – a case that calls into question control of Alaska’s rivers.
The Supreme Court appointment is a lifelong appointment. Given the potential for additional cases that affect the well-being of Alaska Natives and Native Americans coming before the Supreme Court going forward, and Mr. Kavanaugh’s view on indigenous people and their rights, we cannot afford to have a justice appointed that will negatively impact the tribes and people of the region.
Kawerak Inc works to improve the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions for the people of the Bering Strait Region. Kawerak contracts with the state and federal government to provide services to residents of the Bering Strait Region, 75% of whom are Eskimo, Aleut or American Indian, descent. Kawerak is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the president (or designee) of the IRA or traditional Councils, two elder representatives and a representative from the regional health care provider. Our mission is to advance the capacity of our people and our tribes for the benefit of the region.
[googlepdf url=”https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UB2-ADM-09502_20180910_112621.pdf” download=”Download” ]