January 19th the BLM released a full Record of Decision officially denying protest submitted for the Bering Sea Western Interior Resource Management plan. Both Kawerak Inc and the Native Village of Unalakleet submitted protest responses to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Resource Management Plan citing the lack of appropriate tribal consultation, disregard of the concerns expressed by local people and Tribes, and the lack of research regarding the impact the plan will have on the environment. The land in the plan comprises millions of acres of pristine subsistence lands within the traditional territories of Alaska Native people.

Marie Advocate Austin Ahmasuk reflects on the process, ” Our region formulated good protests and it shows from BLM’s responses to our letters.  Though our protests were denied I want to thank all from our region who submitted protests and participated in the planning process.”

The process attempting to redirect the plan for the area began in June 2019 when Kawerak submitted a comment letter citing the importance of the subsistence area and requesting basic protections in response to the Bureau of Land Management’s  lengthy plan (870 pages and over 1,000 pages of appendices) (in April) for millions of acres of land near Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik, Unalakleet, Saint Michael, and Stebbins for the Bering Sea Western Interior (BSWI). In the plan BLM indicated the preferred alternative and opened the 90 day comment period. At that time Kawerak had also filed an extension letter to allow appropriate time for review of the plan and tribal consultation, yet this request was denied.

Although BLM now has the ability to open the undeveloped land to development such as mining, Kawerak administration will continue to advocate for the region, ensure subsistence rights are protected and that management decisions heavily consider the rights and protections of Alaska Native peoples. Kawerak, in line with its Resource Development Policy, take the decisions regarding the land gravely, as they carry the potential for an irreversible impact on subsistence land and resources. Additionally with the turnover in administration and the review of federal decisions impacting the environment, Kawerak will continue to pursue options and opportunities to protect subsistence lands and resources.


Native Village of Unalakleet Protest Letter

Kawerak Protest Letter

BLM Plan

Record of Decision

Kawerak Comment Letter (July 2019)
Kawerak Resource Development Policy