In light of the recent tragedy in Georgia, and other racist and hateful attacks against Asian Americans in this country, Kawerak Inc. wants to assure the Asian-American community that we see you, and we stand with you. We recognize that there are racial stereotypes that need to be dismantled and rejected in order to move forward as a community, state and nation of equal peoples. We mourn and condemn the senseless murders of the seven who died from racist action.  As an Alaska Native tribal organization founded to advance political, social, economic and cultural conditions in the Bering Strait Region, we recognize that injustice caused to our Asian American brothers and sisters obstructs a thriving world. We recognize we have a voice, and a responsibility, to continue to pursue a new path forward toward equality for all.

Through our position as a law enforcement-providing agency, an educational institution, and cultural advocates we recognize there is much to do to find solutions, dismantle and build better systems, expose and condemn embedded racism, hold leaders and institutions accountable and ensure respect for and continuance of our traditional ways, practices and values.

We are working to address the injustice and racism that pervades these systems and we call on others to stand as allies and do the same in their circles and spheres of influence. We recognize we cannot reach our mission, “advancing the capacity of our people and tribes for the benefit of the region” without equity and justice.

Additionally, this work cannot be done by organizations alone.  Our ancestors like Alberta Schenck, championed equity work in our communities. Individual work will make a difference in this movement, but action is critical. When you see or hear something that isn’t just or fair, speak out; when we are silent, we add to the problem. Some ways you can do that are by taking Kawerak’s workshops in Cultural Humility, Knowing Who You Are, Undoing Racism, and Decolonization through the Katirvik Cultural Center and Kawerak Wellness. You can also participate in Kawerak’s hosted community conversations on racial equity in partnership with our friends at First Alaskans Institute. You can advocate to receive Kawerak’s education and services from your employer to address racism in the workplace and examine policies for issues related to equity. We all can take the time to educate ourselves, listen to differing perspectives and learn about the history of this nation from the perspective of marginalized groups.

Our traditional values tell us we need to help each other and support our community, and that includes the Asian-American community.  Each one of us must work to perpetuate a culture that recognizes the inherent value and dignity of all human life.

We support the Asian American community.

Below are links to other helpful resources.

Links to resources: