The Kawerak Board consists of the Council Presidents or appointed delegates of the 20 federally recognized tribes, two Elder representatives and the chair of the Norton Sound Health Corporation Board.

When established as the regional nonprofit in 1973,  Kawerak’s vision was to provide services to the region and to preserve our cultures for the next generations. Thanks to the leadership and dedication of our Board of Directors, we are driven with that vision; we constantly look for new ways to ensure that our people and tribes are thriving now and in the future.

Our Board

McGann, Frank Katchatag
McGann, Frank KatchatagChairman - Unalakleet
Angelraq, Robert Keith
Angelraq, Robert Keith1st Vice Chair - Elim
Kunungnunna, Anna Oxereok
Kunungnunna, Anna Oxereok2nd Vice Chair - Wales
Barbara Gray
Barbara GrayTreasurer - Council
Kayuktoruk, Kirsten Timbers
Kayuktoruk, Kirsten TimbersSecretary - Solomon
Jill Campbell
Jill CampbellSergeant-at-Arm, Gambell
Paapi, Merlin Koonooka
Paapi, Merlin KoonookaElder Representative, Gambell
Charlie Fitka Jr
Charlie Fitka JrElder Representative, Saint Michael
Tunnaaniq, Gilbert Tocktoo
Tunnaaniq, Gilbert TocktooBrevig Mission
Samantha Ozenna
Samantha OzennaDiomede
Irene Navarro
Irene NavarroGolovin
VACANTMember, King Island
Lola Hannon
Lola HannonKoyuk
Punikshuk, Lucy Oquilluk
Punikshuk, Lucy OquillukMary's Igloo
Nome Eskimo Community
Matilda Hardy
Matilda HardyShaktoolik
Stella Havatone
Stella HavatoneShishmaref
Theresa Kobuk
Theresa KobukSt. Michael
Bengamin Pungowiyi
Bengamin PungowiyiSergeant-at-Arms, Savoonga
Agatha Foxie
Agatha FoxieStebbins
Jerry Okbaok
Jerry OkbaokTeller
Shawn Bergamaschi
Shawn BergamaschiWhite Mountain
Tony Haugen
Tony HaugenNorton Sound Health Corporation