Kawerak Commends Added Tribal Seats on Federal Subsistence Board
On Wednesday October 16th a new federal rule passed, adding three Alaska tribe-nominated seats to the Federal Subsistence Board, affirming the recommendation that Kawerak [...]
On Wednesday October 16th a new federal rule passed, adding three Alaska tribe-nominated seats to the Federal Subsistence Board, affirming the recommendation that Kawerak [...]
On October 16, a groundbreaking agreement was signed between U.S. Department of Interior agencies and Tribes and Tribal Organizations. The MOU formalizes a partnership between [...]
The Village of Solomon with partners Kawerak, Norton Sound Health Corporation and Bering Straits Native Corporation are delighted to present Celebrating Culture - Indigenous [...]
Kawerak Inc hosted ten grantmakers on August 27th and 28th. The tour included information about local and regional programs and organizations, as well as [...]
Want to learn online but have no laptop or Starlink Kit? If you can pay for internet but need the technology, we invite you [...]
Our long awaited announcement is here! Employee of the Year Employee of the Year is selected out of the outstanding employees who were selected [...]
History: Site was a former unlined landfill for the city of Golovin, it contains household trash, drums, freezers, car batteries etc. Landfill is no [...]
History: The Savoonga landfill was used for many years as a disposal site for transformers, heavy equipment, fuel barrels, household trash, batteries and any [...]
History: The Koyuk Native Corporation owned this tank farm. It has not been in service since 2005 when the new consolidated tank farm was [...]
History: This is the site of the former Koyuk City Tank Farm it contained two vertical fuel tanks within an earthen bermed area on [...]