Kawerak Inc. is pleased to announce we are currently looking for dance groups to perform at the 2018 Kawerak Regional Conference to be held in Nome, Alaska on November 6-8, 2018.
We are seeking letters of interest from Traditional Dance Groups to perform in the evenings. Dance groups will perform at least two of the three evenings. Kawerak is prepared to offer a donation of $2,000 to groups outside of Nome and $1000 to groups within Nome. Kawerak will not be responsible for lodging or per diem. Most dance groups have historically found housing with family or community members.
If your group is interested in being selected to perform, please send a letter of interest no later than Wednesday, September 5. Groups can apply:
- Online: kawerak.org/krc/performers
- Mail: Kawerak, Inc. ATTN: Amanda Toerdal Regional Conference Coordinator, PO Box 948, Nome, AK 99762.
- Fax: ATTN: Amanda Toerdal at 907-443-4452
- Email: atoerdal@kawerak.org.
Letters received after September 5, 2018 will not be considered. After the deadline the Performance Committee will review letters of interest and choose the 2018 dance groups. You will be notified by the last week of September of the selections and asked to provide more information. Due to limited funding and schedule, we will not be able to select all those interested.
[googlepdf url=”https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/KRC-2018-Call-for-Performers.pdf” download=”Download” ]