Kawerak is proud to share in the celebration of our Gambell Head Start Teacher, Courtland Pannebaker. Courtland was nominated by Lucas Aningayou for the 2021 Alaska Head Start Association Teacher of the Year Award, and he was selected for the award! Here’s what Lucas had to say about Courtland:

“Mr. Pannebaker goes above and beyond what we call expectations. He is there for our kids as well as our community. He is not a man that can easily say no when it comes to helping others no matter the task or what is asked of him.

I’ve witnessed him working on a 40 foot whale for 12 hours straight without wanting a share or acknowledgment of his hard work.

He comes and works during the weekends and after hours and he successfully teaches our students and has reached out to families throughout his time in Gambell (at least 5 years).

He is in constant training to better himself as a teacher, and as a person. Courtland is known for his work ethics and flexibility both on and off the clock.

Living in a small village is rough. I will say that elders are the toughest on newcomers but Courtland has earned the respect of many and they now refer to him as Naayvaghvik, the month of October (his birth month), and because he is a successful provider.

Congratulations Courtland and quyaana for all your hard work in the classroom AND the community!

You can view all the 2021 awards here: https://www.akheadstart.org/awards/