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Calling all Savoonga Tribal Members!

Kawerak Staff will be visiting your community

Tuesday, February 15 – Thursday, February 17, 2022

to provide supportive services for GED Students, Adult Education Students, Higher Education Students, and High School Dual Credit Students.

Come visit us at the Savoonga IRA Main Office:

Tuesday : 6pm-9pm
Wednesday : 8am-9pm
Thursday :  8am-11am

We will also be presenting our new NACTEP program and the Higher Education Scholarship and Transition Program at the school. (16th only!)

We will have visiting:

Community Education Department (CED) Adult Education (AE) Program, GED Program

Chris Steppe and MaryJane Litchard

College and Career Navigator, Higher Education Scholarship, Transitions program, College Jumpstart

Jessica Farley* (16th only)

NACTEP, Training Opportunities

James Isabell* (16th only)

Project REMOTE

Caitlin Tozier

During the visit, you can:

  • update required paperwork for Adult Education Enrollment
  • meet with a tutor for GED preparation, math or reading literacy
  • sign up for Project REMOTE
  • learn about computer literacy
  • find out about opportunities for careers and training available to you…and MORE!

If you have received a laptop, please bring it in with you. If you have homework you would like to work on, please bring it in.

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