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Are you 50 or older? Have you heard of our Lifelong Learners program with Project Remote? Did you know you could receive a computer and internet? If not, please read on!
If you are interested in any online educational opportunities – picking up a new hobby or skill, learning something new, re-learning something…if you’re still wanting to learn we want to support you! In this program you will receive a no-cost computer and internet to utilize during your online education!
The deadline to sign up for this program is August 15! Apply at kawerak.org/projectremote – OR come join us in-person on Tuesday July 25th, 11:30-2:30pm in Gambell (location TBA, we are requesting use of the Bingo Hall). We are traveling to hopefully get to meet you, offer you a Subway sandwich and sign you up! If you have questions please don’t hesitate to call us at 907-443-4468 or 907-443-5231 and ask for the Community Education Department.
**Please Bring with you – Your tribal id, your MyAlaska sign in information (for your pfd) and a laptop or iPad if you have one. **

Kawerak’s Project REMOTE has a new opportunity for tribal members who are 50 years old and older and who live in the region outside of Nome. This is our Lifelong Learners program!  You become eligible for paid internet for the term of the program and can access online learning to improve your skills in areas you are interested in.  Enrolled Lifelong Learners may be given a computer, headphones, and Project REMOTE swag!  Application deadline is August 15th.  Apply at Kawerak.org/projectremote.

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