Dear Kawerak Head Start/Early Head Start/Child Care Parents,

I’m writing to give you an update on our services.

Like the local school districts, we are following Governor Dunleavey’s mandate to close our services through May 1 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to limit close contact with those outside our family units.

Since this is a closure for an extended time, some of our staff who are working from home, are developing a plan to determine how we can best serve children and families enrolled in our program during this closure.  We hope to have suggestions and ideas for you and your children in the coming weeks to keep your children engaged in developmentally appropriate learning activities and fun at home.  We also hope to understand your family needs and provide or connect you to resources that are needed.

Children enrolled in our programs in the Bering Straits School District (BSSD) are eligible to receive free meals from their local BSSD school.  We are grateful to BSSD for helping meet the nutritional needs of the children in those communities!

We are still working on providing free meals for our Nome students.  We hope to have an update for you later this week.  It is in the works.

In the meantime, I encourage you to keep yourself and families safe by following CDC, state, and community guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Some of our staff are still reachable at their work numbers as they are forwarded to work cell or personal numbers.  If you are unable to reach who you wish to, you are welcomed to call Kawerak’s main number at 907-443-5231 during normal business hours (8:00 am – 4:30 pm) and your message will be passed on to the appropriate person.



Deb Trowbridge

Head Start Director