A total of 54 kids will be riding safer as of Monday August 13th! Thanks to the collaborative effort of Nome Community Center, the Center for Safe Alaskans, AAA and Kawerak Inc, our car seat check and giveaway in Nome was a huge success. A total of 44 car seats were distributed to families who had no car seats, expired car seats or seats that were not the correct fit for the child. We saw so many smiles with kids leaving in their new seats.
As parents know not only are car seats expensive and not available in local stores, they are also challenging to install. Car seats have certain features that need to be installed correctly, instructions are lengthy and confusing, and to top it off the car has it own rules on where and how to install the seat. Even some vehicles that presented a puzzle to our technicians that required manual consult. All that said, don’t fear! Having a car seat installed correctly is important and worthwhile, and we are here to help!
If you don’t have a car seat for your child, or are unsure if they need one please connect with us! Call 443-5259 or 434-0518 to set up an appointment with a technician. We can check your seat and recommend the correct seat for your child. Any child under 4’9″ should be in a car seat!
We are excited to generate chatter around the subject of vehicle safety. Wearing seat belts and having proper child restraints will ensure our families are traveling in the safest way possible. As much as we can say “I’m only going to the store,” or “I never wore a seat belt and I’m fine,” it only takes one moment to change that perspective. We need to protect our precious cargo, and that means driving safely for them and ourselves!
We are aiming to continue to make the car seat check and distribution an annual event alongside Nome Community Center’s Back to School Bash! If you would like to donate to the cause, please visit Donate to Nome Community Center.