

Kawerak submits comments on NOAA Critical Habitat Designation for Bearded and Ringed Seals

NOAA Fisheries sought feedback on their proposals to designate critical habitat in the northern Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas for ringed and bearded seals under the Endangered Species Act. The proposed critical habitat designations would not affect subsistence harvest of these species, but [...]

By |April 14th, 2021|Categories: Marine|

Kawerak Stands with the Asian American Community

In light of the recent tragedy in Georgia, and other racist and hateful attacks against Asian Americans in this country, Kawerak Inc. wants to assure the Asian-American community that we see you, and we stand with you. We recognize that there are [...]

By |March 24th, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|


"You have a chance to build a lifetime of friendships and mentorships. Take a class - it will change your life." Elaine Rock of Unalakleet/Shaktoolik embarked on a life-changing journey with Alaska Career College ending in graduation, a certificate in Accounting, and [...]

By |March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Education, Employment, Feature|

Regional Recycling Meeting – Need Your Input!

Give Your Input About Recycling! When:  Monday February 22nd, 2021 10am‐12pm Where/How to join the meeting: Telephone, Call into the meeting via 1‐800‐309‐2350 passcode: 526261# Internet, for additional visuals, join Adobe Connect Please note: all audio will only be accessed over [...]

By |February 16th, 2021|Categories: Environmental|

 PRESS RELEASE: Public Safety Investigation Complete

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2/12/21   PRESS RELEASE: Public Safety Investigation Complete Recently there were concerns raised by the public regarding a situation involving a Kawerak employee.  We are aware that residents of Unalakleet and elsewhere were concerned for their safety.  Kawerak Inc. has completed [...]

By |February 12th, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|

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