Rivers of Gold – IPOP, LLC is looking to mine in the Nome Region. Kawerak Inc and Northern Norton Sound F&G Advisory Committee have both submitted letters of opposition within the DNR comment period due to the impacts of mining on the Safety Sound/Bonanza Channel critical habitat for fish and migratory bird and the fact that according to Alaska Statute subsistence use is a first priority above all else including commerical and sport and it is illegal to obstruct or hinder subsistence hunting and fishing. You can view the letters of opposition below.

DNR is still accepting comment letters even though the official comment period is closed. You can send comments to dnr.fbx.mining@alaska.gov.

Kawerak’s Letter of Opposition
[googlepdf url=”https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Kawerak-comment-letter-to-DNR-3-2018-Final.pdf” download=”Download” ]

Norther Norton Sound F&G Advisory Committee Letter of Opposition
[googlepdf url=”https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/NNSAC-Comment-on-Bonanza-Channel-Final-Copy.pdf” download=”Download” ]

Images of the proposed mining area: