“You have a chance to build a lifetime of friendships and mentorships. Take a class – it will change your life.”

Elaine Rock of Unalakleet/Shaktoolik embarked on a life-changing journey with Alaska Career College ending in graduation, a certificate in Accounting, and a new life path. We couldn’t be prouder!

Elaine’s story

“I graduated high school in 2015. In 2016 I had my son and so I decided I had to start working to support my family.  After a few years of work I had my daughter. Once she was old enough for me to start working again, I realized there wasn’t a job for me. In order to support my family I then decided I was going to attend school.”

When asked why Alaska Career College (ACC) Elaine said “I chose ACC because one of my friends graduated from there in the same field. She inspired me to pursue it.” Elaine also had experience in the field of accounting from her prior work history, so it made sense to her to stay in the field.

After receiving grants and scholarships through My-Cache and a few small loans, Elaine traveled to Anchorage to start the program, beginning with in-person class courses. Of course, the session of Alaska Career College looked a lot different when she was sent home in March of 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. Then the remainder of schooling was online. She says, “It wasn’t easy to follow through, but I got it done.”

After putting in the course hours, she then had to do the required 125 hours of externship work. The staff at Alaska Career College helped get her a placement, and many times the placement turns into a full-time job, as was the case for Elaine. The staff at ACC are great Elaine comments, “I liked the strong connections they foster and keep with students. You can build a lifetime opportunity of friendships and mentorships; it feels like a close-knit supportive environment. Even after your program staff are still there for you.”

When asked if she had some people to thank Elaine mentions, “I am thankful that I had a lot of support from Zachary Sagoonick, my children’s father, to get through classes.” She also names her mother, Colleen Rock as well as Todd Jones, who helped raise her as her support system. Lastly she says “I know I couldn’t have done it without Kendra or Nuna of Kawerak, they were positive and pushed me to succeed. They helped me more than they realize.”

On the overall experience she reflects “I’m happy I went to school because I’m the first person in my family to graduate college. I also wanted to inspire people in Shaktoolik. My main motivation through everthing though, was my kids. I wanted my kids to grow up with the things I can now provide.”

Elaine’s advice for those considering education to reach a new career goal? “Do it. Take a class. It will change your life. It changed mine.”