• Kawerak, Inc.
    P.O. Box 948
    Nome, AK 99762

  • 800.450.4341
  • 907.802.6183

Apply Today! 

Deadline May 9 2025!

Summer Youth Work Program

Youth Employment Services provide opportunities for part-time summer employment to youth between the ages of 14-24, during the months of June, July & August. Work sites are voluntary and last 6 weeks. Typically, hired youth work 20 hours per week, and pay is $16 per hour.

Youth Employment Services are designed to provide valuable employment skills and experience while earning a wage.

How to apply

  • Download the Application
  • Email Application to or fax to 907-802-6183
  • Call 907-443-4462  if you have any questions or need assistance completing your application
  • Have all documents in and application completed BY MAY 9!
Application Checklist

Please be sure to submit copies (not originals) of the following documents:

  • SYP Application with Signatures
  • Tribal Enrollment Verification (Obtain from your local IRA Office, we can accept Tribal IDs or Certificates of Tribal Enrollment)
  • Three forms of ID (State of Alaska ID, permit or Driver’s License, copy of Social Security Card or copy of Birth Certificate)
  • Most Recent Report Card or Progress Report (Obtain your transcripts from your school or guidance counselor)
  • Selective Service Registration (For men age 18 and older)
  • Letter of Interest: What kinds of experience are you interested in gaining and why? What makes you a good candidate?
  • Individual Employability Plan (included on the application)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be Alaska Native or American Indian and a member of a federally recognized tribe
  • Must reside in the Bering Strait/Norton Sound region (minimum of six [6] months)
  • Must be an In-school youth 14-21 years of age or Out-of-School 16-24 years of age
  • Applicants who are 14-17 years of age must have parental permission
  • Males 18 years of age and older must register with the Selective Services

Application Process

  1. Complete the Summer Youth Application
  2. Submit a Letter of Interest: What kind of experience are you interested in gaining and why? What makes you a good candidate?
  3. Submit Verification of Tribal Enrollment (see your local IRA)
  4. Submit a copy of three forms of ID (State of Alaska ID, Permit or Driver’s License, copy of Social Security card or copy of Birth Certificate)
  5. Submit a copy of your Current Report Card, Progress Report, Diploma, or GED
  6. If Male, Submit Proof of Selective Service Enrollment (we can assist in verifying this for you)
  7. Individual Employability Plan
  8. Signed Authorization for Release of Information Form

Selection Process

Only complete applications will be reviewed for selection. Kawerak will work with the applicant to complete the application if received prior to the deadline. For follow up to ensure you application is received and complete call 1-800-450-4341.

Applications will be scored according to:

  • Eligibility
  • Priority of service and need
  • Employment barriers
  • Prior work experience
  • Living in a high poverty area

Intake and Case Management

Once the application is selected, the applicant will be notified by Kawerak. Each applicant will need to meet with the case manager to review the application and complete an Individual Education or Employment Plan. Applicants are required to attend training on expectations and evaluation prior to working. Kawerak staff will also follow-up with workers 90 days after the service is provided.

Employment Preparation and Worksite Selection

Worksites will be selected based on the youth’s goals and interest. For example, if the youth wants to gain administrative experience we would do our best to find a placement in an office setting. Kawerak then contacts local organizations that could offer the youth experience in their desired area of interest to establish and meaningful employment opportunity.

Worksites participating in the program are instructed on program guidelines and responsibilities. The worksite will provide supervision, track attendance and performance, submit signed timesheets, and inform Kawerak if there are any areas of concern. The following additional forms will be required prior to the start of employment:

By the Worksite Supervisor

  1. Complete and Submit a signed Worksite Agreement and Statement of Work
  2. Provide a Job Description
  3. If the youth is between the ages of 14-17, must complete the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce development – Work Permit Form

By the Youth

  1. If the youth is between the ages of 14-17, must have parent or guardian sign the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce development – Work Permit Form after the Worksite Supervisor signs
  2. Complete a W-4 Form
  3. Complete a I-9 Form

After Hire and Follow-Up

Once the youth begins working, the worksite supervisor must complete a Pre and Post -Employment Assessment of the youth’s performance. Timecards must be signed and submitted every two weeks according to Kawerak’s payment schedule. Worksite supervisors are also required to close-out employment upon completion of the worksite agreement. Kawerak staff will follow up with youth within 90 days of leaving the work site.

If youth have any issues throughout employment, they are encouraged to work it out with the supervisor. If that isn’t working youth should call Kawerak’s Summer Youth Coordinator, Brandolyn Ahyakuk, 907-443-4462. Students are also encouraged to submit a photo and statement about their experience for the Kawerak newsletter and future recruitment. These can be emailed to or through messaging Kawerak’s Facebook Page.

Work Skills

  • Punctuality and responsibility fulfilling required hours (ie. showing up to work, being on time, communicating with your supervisor)
  • Listening
  • Problem solving
  • Applying what is learned
  • Working with others
  • Reading/Writing/Speaking in the workplace
  • Customer service
  • Following rules

Work Attitudes

  • Professionalism
  • Good Communication
  • Responsibility/Self-Discipline
  • Willingness to Learn/Pride in Doing a Good Job
  • Positive Outlook
  • Following Rules
  • Teamwork
  • Respect for Others

Work Ethics

  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • Accepting Advice/Constructive Criticism
  • Dependability/Follows Through
  • Good Attendance/On-Time
  • Good Manners

Apply Today! 

Deadline May 9 2025!

Summer Youth Work Program

Youth Employment Services provide opportunities for part-time summer employment to youth between the ages of 14-24, during the months of June, July & August. Work sites are voluntary and last 6 weeks. Typically, hired youth work 20 hours per week, and pay is $16 per hour.

Youth Employment Services are designed to provide valuable employment skills and experience while earning a wage.

How to apply

  • Download the Application
  • Email Application to or fax to 907-802-6183
  • Call 907-443-4462  if you have any questions or need assistance completing your application
  • Have all documents in and application completed BY MAY 9!
Application Checklist

Please be sure to submit copies (not originals) of the following documents:

  • SYP Application with Signatures
  • Tribal Enrollment Verification (Obtain from your local IRA Office, we can accept Tribal IDs or Certificates of Tribal Enrollment)
  • Three forms of ID (State of Alaska ID, permit or Driver’s License, copy of Social Security Card or copy of Birth Certificate)
  • Most Recent Report Card or Progress Report (Obtain your transcripts from your school or guidance counselor)
  • Selective Service Registration (For men age 18 and older)
  • Letter of Interest: What kinds of experience are you interested in gaining and why? What makes you a good candidate?
  • Individual Employability Plan (included on the application)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be Alaska Native or American Indian and a member of a federally recognized tribe
  • Must reside in the Bering Strait/Norton Sound region (minimum of six [6] months)
  • Must be an In-school youth 14-21 years of age or Out-of-School 16-24 years of age
  • Applicants who are 14-17 years of age must have parental permission
  • Males 18 years of age and older must register with the Selective Services

Application Process

  1. Complete the Summer Youth Application
  2. Submit a Letter of Interest: What kind of experience are you interested in gaining and why? What makes you a good candidate?
  3. Submit Verification of Tribal Enrollment (see your local IRA)
  4. Submit a copy of three forms of ID (State of Alaska ID, Permit or Driver’s License, copy of Social Security card or copy of Birth Certificate)
  5. Submit a copy of your Current Report Card, Progress Report, Diploma, or GED
  6. If Male, Submit Proof of Selective Service Enrollment (we can assist in verifying this for you)
  7. Individual Employability Plan
  8. Signed Authorization for Release of Information Form

Selection Process

Only complete applications will be reviewed for selection. Kawerak will work with the applicant to complete the application if received prior to the deadline. For follow up to ensure you application is received and complete call 1-800-450-4341.

Applications will be scored according to:

  • Eligibility
  • Priority of service and need
  • Employment barriers
  • Prior work experience
  • Living in a high poverty area

Intake and Case Management

Once the application is selected, the applicant will be notified by Kawerak. Each applicant will need to meet with the case manager to review the application and complete an Individual Education or Employment Plan. Applicants are required to attend training on expectations and evaluation prior to working. Kawerak staff will also follow-up with workers 90 days after the service is provided.

Employment Preparation and Worksite Selection

Worksites will be selected based on the youth’s goals and interest. For example, if the youth wants to gain administrative experience we would do our best to find a placement in an office setting. Kawerak then contacts local organizations that could offer the youth experience in their desired area of interest to establish and meaningful employment opportunity.

Worksites participating in the program are instructed on program guidelines and responsibilities. The worksite will provide supervision, track attendance and performance, submit signed timesheets, and inform Kawerak if there are any areas of concern. The following additional forms will be required prior to the start of employment:

By the Worksite Supervisor

  1. Complete and Submit a signed Worksite Agreement and Statement of Work
  2. Provide a Job Description
  3. If the youth is between the ages of 14-17, must complete the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce development – Work Permit Form

By the Youth

  1. If the youth is between the ages of 14-17, must have parent or guardian sign the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce development – Work Permit Form after the Worksite Supervisor signs
  2. Complete a W-4 Form
  3. Complete a I-9 Form

After Hire and Follow-Up

Once the youth begins working, the worksite supervisor must complete a Pre and Post -Employment Assessment of the youth’s performance. Timecards must be signed and submitted every two weeks according to Kawerak’s payment schedule. Worksite supervisors are also required to close-out employment upon completion of the worksite agreement. Kawerak staff will follow up with youth within 90 days of leaving the work site.

If youth have any issues throughout employment, they are encouraged to work it out with the supervisor. If that isn’t working youth should call Kawerak’s Summer Youth Coordinator, Brandolyn Ahyakuk, 907-443-4462. Students are also encouraged to submit a photo and statement about their experience for the Kawerak newsletter and future recruitment. These can be emailed to or through messaging Kawerak’s Facebook Page.

Work Skills

  • Punctuality and responsibility fulfilling required hours (ie. showing up to work, being on time, communicating with your supervisor)
  • Listening
  • Problem solving
  • Applying what is learned
  • Working with others
  • Reading/Writing/Speaking in the workplace
  • Customer service
  • Following rules

Work Attitudes

  • Professionalism
  • Good Communication
  • Responsibility/Self-Discipline
  • Willingness to Learn/Pride in Doing a Good Job
  • Positive Outlook
  • Following Rules
  • Teamwork
  • Respect for Others

Work Ethics

  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • Accepting Advice/Constructive Criticism
  • Dependability/Follows Through
  • Good Attendance/On-Time
  • Good Manners




  • Kawerak, Inc.
    P.O. Box 948
    Nome, AK 99762

  • 800.450.4341
  • 907.802.6183