To offer accurate information in the midst of misinformation –
The Reindeer Herders Association (RHA) at Kawerak, Inc. has fielded concerns from the Teller community regarding recent movement of reindeer from the Kakaruk Herd to White Mountain.
The RHA has not played any role, financially or otherwise, in facilitating the transfer of deer between Kakaruk Herd and White Mountain.
RHA has continuously advised all parties of the Kakaruk Herd that decisions impacting management of the herd must be done with the written permission of the owners of the Kakaruk Herd and RHA maintains that position.
RHA has not, and will not, be a participant in any reindeer agreement, a practice that is in keeping with the organization’s history and by-laws.
The RHA does NOT have any power over individually owned reindeer herds. The RHA can only provide support services to the independently owned reindeer herds. RHA does not have the power to order any individual herd or herder to do anything with their reindeer and operates only with the support of its membership. RHA is not a legal enforcement body.
RHA hopes that this will clarify some of the issues raised with these recent events. Please feel free to contact RHA staff with further questions (
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