As we now settle into summer, Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC) would like to recognize and celebrate the successful harvest and traditional use of Pacific walrus by Alaska Native coastal communities this spring. This harvest is an opportunity to continue our traditional way of life, and is why EWC is committed to protecting Pa- cific walrus and preserving this essential food resource for future generations.

The Eskimo Walrus Commission is committed to “Encouraging self-regulation of walrus hunting and management of walruses by Alaska Natives who use and need walruses to survive.” In 2004, EWC and the US Fish and Wildlife Service jointly developed and approved a set of Walrus Harvest Guidelines to ensure hunters un- derstand proper harvest rules and what portions of a walrus that hunters must take home and not waste. These guidelines are also available in Inupiaq, St. Lawrence Island Yupik, Central Yup’ik, and English on Facebook: (https://www.face-

We are thankful for all those who harvest walrus for their family and community, as it nourishes us nutritionally, economically, culturally, and spiritually. Self-regu- lation of our marine resources depends on following proper, traditional harvest management practices. We look forward to your involvement and support in the future.

Eskimo Walrus Commission, Vera Metcalf,, 907-443-4380

US Fish and Wildlife Service, Joel Garlich-Miller,, 907-786-3820