RFP Summary:

Kawerak, Inc.’s Environmental Program seeks a contractor to conduct a series of assessments, meetings, and plans for four sites within the Bering Strait Region. This project will provide the stepping stones needed to move these properties from contaminated to clean, and will ultimately lead to the reincorporation of valuable property back into the community.

Over the course of the project, the contractor will conduct 2 site visits, 2 Phase I and 4 Phase II Assessments, 2 Sampling and Analysis Plans, 1 Site Reuse Assessment, 1 Community Heath Assessment and 4 Conceptual Cleanup Plans.

The intent of this project is to assist village in obtaining the information and documentation they need in order to pursue future cleanup of project sites and develop reuse projects which will reincorporate land back into their communities.

To be considered, Responders must deliver proposals to the address below, on or before the deadline.

Deadline: Proposals will be accepted until Friday, September 22, 2023 at 5pm Alaska Standard Time (AKST).

Address Responses To: Kawerak Environmental Program, Attention: Brandie Radigan, Brownfield Program Manager, P.O. Box 948, Nome, Alaska, 99762 or email to bradigan@kawerak.org

Download the full RFP: 
