March 25, 2022


Kawerak, Inc. Receives $8 Million in Unrestricted Donation

The Mackenzie Scott Foundation is donating $8 million dollars to Kawerak, Inc. and is allowing Kawerak to decide how to use the funds. “It’s the largest unrestricted donation in Kawerak history,” reflects Kawerak President Melanie Bahnke after receiving the amazing news. Out of 400 organizations who received a generous donation, Kawerak, Inc. represents the only organization selected from Alaska.

Mackenzie Scott blogged about the reason for supporting underrepresented groups writing, “Equity can only be realized when all people involved have an opportunity to help shape it.”

The Kawerak Board of Directors and leadership will determine the best use of the funds to further Kawerak’s mission.

Kawerak’s Board of Directors is comprised of a representative from each community in the Bering Strait region, as well as a representative from the Norton Sound Health Corporation Board of Directors and two Elder representatives. The Board, along with executive leadership will discuss the plan for the funds at their upcoming five year strategic planning session in early April.

On behalf of Kawerak, President Bahnke expresses gratitude to the Mackenzie Scott Foundation for this generous gift, as well as to the Rasmuson Foundation for bringing the annual grantmaker tour to rural Alaskan locations.


Kawerak Inc. acts in accordance with its mission, to advance the capacity of our people and tribes for the benefit of the region. Kawerak is a nonprofit tribal consortium that provides over 40 different programs to the Inupiaq, St. Lawrence Island Yupik and Yup’ik people who reside in 16 communities of western Alaska and represents the 20 federally recognized tribes in the Bering Strait Region.



Danielle Slingsby, Kawerak Inc. Outreach, (907) 434-0518