
Tumet Industries is a locally run and operated construction outfit in Bering Strait whose majority share is owned by Kawerak, Inc. Profits from Tumet benefit the shareholding tribes throughout our region.

Visit Tumet Industries website.


  • Kawerak, Inc.
    P.O. Box 948
    Nome, AK 99762
  • 907.443.5231

  • 907.443.4474
  • contact@kawerak.org

Kawerak Inc.  is a nonprofit tribal consortium that provides over 40 different programs to the Inupiaq, St. Lawrence Island Yupik and Yup’ik people who reside in 16 communities of western Alaska and represents the 20 federally recognized tribes in the Bering Strait Region.


Advancing the capacity of our People and Tribes for the benefit of the region.

“Advancing the capacity of our People and Tribes for the benefit of the region.”

Kawerak works hard to meet the needs of the people of the region through strong collaboration and cooperation with all 20 tribes, our regional medical center, and our Elder’s wisdom and expert guidance. The scope of service and work is wide but our mission keeps us united and focused on meeting the identified needs and working together to engage in this mission. Kawerak is truly empowered by the unity of our Tribes to serve our people, and we do this through facilitation and partnership. Lastly, we are guided and sustained by our traditions, values, and Native culture, all of which we hold dear and work to keep alive and integrated in all that we do.


The Bering Straits Native Association (BSNA) was formed in 1967 as an association of the Native Villages in the Bering Straits Region. The Association was created to advocate for the passage of a Native Land Claims bill. During this time, BSNA received their first grant from the Office of Economic Opportunity within the Johnson Administration. After the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in 1971, BSNA organized Kawerak as the regional non-profit corporation (incorporated under State Law in 1973) to provide services throughout the Bering Straits Region.

Today, Kawerak contracts with the state and federal government to provide services to residents of the Bering Strait Region, 75% of whom are Alaska Native Inupiat, Yup’ik, and St. Lawrence Island Yupik peoples. Kawerak’s organizational goal is to assist Alaska Native people and their governing bodies to take control of their future. With programs ranging from education to transportation, and natural resource management to economic development, Kawerak seeks to improve the Region’s social, economic, educational, cultural and political conditions. Kawerak is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the president (or designee) of the IRA or Traditional Councils, two Elder representatives and a representative from the regional health care provider.


Our people and tribes are thriving.

“Our people and tribes are thriving.”

The Board of Directors decided when our vision was accomplished we would have strong, healthy, proud, caring, unified, pro-active, self-sufficient Native people, leaders and communities who know where we are going and who will take necessary steps to achieve it.

Kawerak envisions a future where:

  • The people have a high quality of life because all self-sufficient villages in the region are adequately resourced with housing, funding, technology and infrastructure, and a healthy economy.
  • There is a cultural renaissance with reinvigorated language and traditional ways of life being continued on to future generations.
  • There is safety & security, and subsistence resources are protected.
  • There is Tribal sovereignty and meaningful collaboration with other government entities.

We will live and transmit our language and culture to our children with councils actively governing at the local level and cooperating at the regional level to make life better for our people.

This is what being a true Inupiaq, St. Lawrence Island Yupik & Central Yup’ik means.

Strategic Plan 2022-2026


Core Value

Our core value is the strength of our traditional culture, Native values and the unity of our Tribes that empowers us.

“Our core value is the strength of our traditional culture, Native values and the unity of our Tribes that empowers us.”

Our values are the driving force behind all that Kawerak Inc. does to accomplish its mission. These values have been our guide since our inception and will continue to guide us in all that we do. Our values, while rooted in history and the ways of our ancestors, are still very much alive and well in us today.

Supporting Values

  • Teamwork, unity, and achieving positive results in all our work.
  • Perseverance, integrity and working hard to overcome challenges to create a better future.
  • Upholding our Tribes along with their cultures, language, heritage, and traditional ways of life.
  • Engaging with, respecting and supporting each other.
  • Fair healthy relationships based on respect, trust, honesty, persevering together, openness, giving everyone a voice, and agreeing to disagree.
  • Spirituality, community, generosity and each individual’s purpose and voice.
  • Keeping a positive attitude and outlook in all situations and never losing our sense of humor.
  • Leadership that listens, is responsible, experienced, capable and supportive of self-governance. These leaders are role models and give positive advice.
  • Education, learning, knowledge and the use of wisdom in building our people up to serve their communities and villages.

In all our work we believe in being self-controlled, innovative, creative, and positively focused. We strive to display respect for others and ourselves. Lastly, we believe in being constructive, proactive, exhibiting confidence in our abilities and having a strong work ethic. We believe that these values and principles make Kawerak a great place to work and provide inspiration and motivation in all that we have set to accomplish.