The Bering Strait Development Council/ARDOR has drafted our new 5-year Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). This document contains our most current regional community profiles, and Local Economic Development Economic Plans (LEDP) and priority projects, as well as a list of regional priorities.  These regional priorities and our newest SWOT analysis completed by the ARDOR on October 22-23 can be found near the end of the document.  The ARDOR must provide the draft CEDS for additional public, appropriate regional governments and other interest groups an opportunity to review this document.  It is updated annually with the latest update completed and approved October 2019.
Download the CEDS here: [Download not found]
The comment period will last through COB on December 23, 2019.  We have also made the CEDS available through other means of distribution for this comment period.  If a hard copy is needed, please request via email and we can mail one to you.  Please send any questions or CEDS comments to: