Artist now have an opportunity to offer feedback on valuable programs and services that would help them in their art creation, sales and promotion. Kawerak Inc created a survey to collect data from artists to identify the resources and tools needed to support artisans and crafters within the Bering Strait Region. The 15 minute survey includes questions ranging from inquiries on artist workspace and type of art to sales and art value. To protect the privacy of artist,  Kawerak has ensured that all answers will be kept anonymous.

The Community Planning and Development Team recently traveled to Savoonga to introduce the survey to local artists. During this trip, 40 surveys were disseminated and collected. The survey collection proved so successful the team plans to travel to Gambell next on August 22nd and 23rd. All participants in the survey have the option enroll for a chance to win a variety of door prizes. The survey will be available to artists from  August 1 – November 1, 2018 and door prizes will be drawn on November 2nd; a link to enter will be provided following the completion of the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey please call 907-443-4366 or email You can also access the survey online at  A report with a summary of the data will be compiled by the end of December 2018 and will be made available on the Kawerak, Inc. website.

We are looking forward to survey collection as it will assist us with developing a supportive environment for all artists and crafters in the region.

For a downloadable version of the survey, click below:

[googlepdf url=”” download=”Download” ]