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Award Bolsters Essential Protections of the Bering Sea

2018-12-19T22:25:14-09:00December 19th, 2018|Marine, Natural Resources, Press Releases, Social Science|

Kawerak Inc. is pleased to announce receipt of a multi-year grant award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The charitable purpose of this [...]

Article: An Indigenous approach to ocean planning and policy in the Bering Strait region of Alaska

2018-09-24T13:08:47-08:00September 24th, 2018|Marine, Social Science|

Bringing western science and policy together with Traditional Knowledge and values from indigenous communities for ocean planning is lacking and a framework is needed. [...]

PRESS RELEASE: International Maritime Organization Approves Routing Measures and Areas To Be Avoided in the Bering Sea and Bering Strait

2018-06-07T15:51:25-08:00June 6th, 2018|Latest News & Updates, Marine, Press Releases|

KAWERAK INC PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • May 25, 2018 Contact: Austin Ahmasuk, Marine Advocate • (907) 443-4368 • aahmasuk@kawerak.org International Maritime Organization [...]

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