Pilgrim Hot Springs Prepares for Summer 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 03/24/20 Kawerak, Inc. to join Bering Straits Native Corporation as co-managing partners for Unaatuq, LLC, owner of the Pilgrim Hot Springs [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 03/24/20 Kawerak, Inc. to join Bering Straits Native Corporation as co-managing partners for Unaatuq, LLC, owner of the Pilgrim Hot Springs [...]
Updated 3.27.20 Kawerak Inc is following suit with public recommendations and taking precautions and preparing for the potential spread of COVID-19 to our region. [...]
The changing climate, vessel traffic, infrastructure needs, resource development and the shifting marine ecosystem are all contributing to the gravitational pull of scientists to [...]
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) released a notice for a public comment period on December 31, 2019 regarding the Port of Nome, [...]
Preserving Traditions, Increasing Cultural Education, and the Art Economy Skills such as skin sewing were essential to the survival of our ancestors. In the [...]
The Bering Strait Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy: 2019-2024 (CEDS) is the result of a continuous planning process at the local and regional level in [...]
On December 20, 2019 Kawerak Inc. released the following letter in response to the Arctic Shipping Federal Advisory Committee Act, S.2786. RE: Arctic Shipping [...]
Frances Ozenna, our Tribal Coordinator from Diomede was nominated and selected as the Tribal Administrator of the year in 2018 with Alaska Tribal Administrator [...]
At the Student Appreciation Gathering on October 16th at the Fairbanks Event Center and Lounge, Kawerak staff announced that they will be giving all [...]
The Tutit Ininat Child Development Center was officially reopened when Casey Ford cut the red ribbon with Kawerak Board Chairman Frank Katchatag at the [...]