RFP – Reindeer Project Construction Services, Savoonga

2024-07-22T10:29:50-08:00June 10th, 2024|Community Planning and Development, RFP|

SOLICITATION NOTICE -REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS- REINDEER PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES   Kawerak, Inc., (Kawerak), a tribal consortium and non-profit corporation in Nome, Alaska, is soliciting [...]

RFP – Community Needs Assessment, Strategic Plan and Feasibility Study for Family Justice Center

2024-07-02T14:11:05-08:00May 16th, 2024|Child Advocacy Center, RFP|

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Conduct a Community Needs Assessment forVictim Services and Develop a Strategic Plan and Feasibility Study for Purchasing an Existing Building [...]


2024-01-12T13:12:06-09:00November 16th, 2023|Community Planning and Development, RFP|

Kawerak, Inc., (Kawerak), a tribal consortium and non-profit corporation in Nome, Alaska, is soliciting bids from qualified suppliers to provide a turn key modular [...]

RFP: Emergency Repairs Contractor – Pilgrim Hot Springs

2023-06-15T12:57:41-08:00June 15th, 2023|Environmental, Pilgrim Hot Springs, RFP|

Kawerak, Inc.’s Environmental Program seeks a licensed construction contractor (or repair and maintenance professional with related skills) to perform immediate, emergency repairs to the [...]

Public Safety Building Renovations – Construction Manager/General Contractor Services

2023-05-01T12:15:48-08:00April 14th, 2023|RFP|

RFP TITLE: Public Safety Building Renovations in the Bering Straits Region of Alaska– Construction Manager/General Contractor Services DATE RFP ISSUED: April 17, 2023 Kawerak, [...]

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