Kawerak Transportation Program (KTP)
To assist our communities in building safe and healthy surface transportation and intermodal infrastructure.
The Kawerak Transportation Program is funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Tribal Transportation Program (TTP).
The Tribal Transportation Program is a FHWA funded national program that seeks to address transportation needs of tribes by providing funds for planning, designing, construction and maintenance activities.
Our principal goal is to assist our communities in building a safe and healthy surface transportation and intermodal infrastructure. Secondary goals include providing employment and training, and advocacy for the transportation, erosion, and flooding concerns of the Region.
Brevig Mission | Koyuk | Solomon | Wales |
Diomede | Mary’s Igloo | St Michael | White Mountain |
Elim | Savoonga | Stebbins | |
Gambell | Shaktoolik | Teller | |
Golovin | Shishmaref | Unalakleet |
To be considered as a project for KTP:
- The respective project must be in the villages Long Range Transportation Plan or within Kawerak’s administrative planning component.
- The route must be included on the tribal inventory.
- The project must be included in the Tribal Transportation Program, which is approved by the Kawerak Board of Directors.
- Each project is scored by KTP utilizing a Scoring Matrix which is in the Kawerak Project Prioritization Policy.
For more details please refer to the Kawerak Project Prioritization Policy .
2021 Kawerak Transportation Program Projects
Dust Control:
- Brevig Mission
- Savoonga
- Shaktoolik
- Gambell
- Stebbins
- Koyuk
- White Mountain
- Teller
Maintenance: equipment, equipment buildings or road surface
- Stebbins
- St. Michael
- Unakaleet
- Savoonga
- Brevig Mission
LRTP/Comprehensive Development Plan
- Shaktoolik
- White Mountain
- Diomede
Design: PS&E
- White Mountain – Community Street design
- Golovin – Relocation Subdivision design
- Diomede – Harbor and Barge Landing design
- Wales to Teller Rd.
- Wales Community Streets
- Serpentine Hot Springs roof replace
- Golovin Community Streets
- Shish Sanitation Rd. – depends on EFRO funding
- Shish Hear Start Access Rd. and Parking lot
- Brevig Mission Public Safety Building access and parking lot
- Teller Public Safety Building access and parking lot
- Serpentine Hot Springs Roof Replacement – material mobilization
Regional Projects this year:
- Experimental trail marking – Nome to Wooly Lagoon
- FCC maps
Transportation Project History
2007 Best Practices Award from the Denali Commission
2008 Planning Award from the Transportation Research Board
Kawerak Transportation Program (KTP)
To assist our communities in building safe and healthy surface transportation and intermodal infrastructure.
The Kawerak Transportation Program is funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Tribal Transportation Program (TTP).
The Tribal Transportation Program is a FHWA funded national program that seeks to address transportation needs of tribes by providing funds for planning, designing, construction and maintenance activities.
Our principal goal is to assist our communities in building a safe and healthy surface transportation and intermodal infrastructure. Secondary goals include providing employment and training, and advocacy for the transportation, erosion, and flooding concerns of the Region.
Brevig Mission | Koyuk | Solomon | Wales |
Diomede | Mary’s Igloo | St Michael | White Mountain |
Elim | Savoonga | Stebbins | |
Gambell | Shaktoolik | Teller | |
Golovin | Shishmaref | Unalakleet |
To be considered as a project for KTP:
- The respective project must be in the villages Long Range Transportation Plan or within Kawerak’s administrative planning component.
- The route must be included on the tribal inventory.
- The project must be included in the Tribal Transportation Program, which is approved by the Kawerak Board of Directors.
- Each project is scored by KTP utilizing a Scoring Matrix which is in the Kawerak Project Prioritization Policy.
For more details please refer to the Kawerak Project Prioritization Policy .
2021 Kawerak Transportation Program Projects
Dust Control:
- Brevig Mission
- Savoonga
- Shaktoolik
- Gambell
- Stebbins
- Koyuk
- White Mountain
- Teller
Maintenance: equipment, equipment buildings or road surface
- Stebbins
- St. Michael
- Unakaleet
- Savoonga
- Brevig Mission
LRTP/Comprehensive Development Plan
- Shaktoolik
- White Mountain
- Diomede
Design: PS&E
- White Mountain – Community Street design
- Golovin – Relocation Subdivision design
- Diomede – Harbor and Barge Landing design
- Wales to Teller Rd.
- Wales Community Streets
- Serpentine Hot Springs roof replace
- Golovin Community Streets
- Shish Sanitation Rd. – depends on EFRO funding
- Shish Hear Start Access Rd. and Parking lot
- Brevig Mission Public Safety Building access and parking lot
- Teller Public Safety Building access and parking lot
- Serpentine Hot Springs Roof Replacement – material mobilization
Regional Projects this year:
- Experimental trail marking – Nome to Wooly Lagoon
- FCC maps
Transportation Project History
2007 Best Practices Award from the Denali Commission
2008 Planning Award from the Transportation Research Board