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Kawerak understands that the increasing amount of marine vessel traffic through the Bering Strait is a high concern for our region’s Tribes and that Tribes want more information about this vessel traffic and influence over it. For these reasons, Kawerak is partnering with a group of organizations to develop Arctic Watch, and we are inviting Tribal delegates to a workshop to help shape the project.


Arctic Watch is an effort to build a sea traffic management system in the Bering Strait. Arctic Watch would direct vessels in real time on the safest and most efficient routes to keep vessels, communities, and wildlife safe. We want to design the project in collaboration with Tribes to meet the needs of the region. We invite each Bering Strait Tribe to send a delegate to an upcoming workshop to do that.

Workshop Details:

What: Arctic Watch Workshop with Bering Strait Tribal Delegates

When: January 16-19, 2024

Where: Juneau, Alaska

Request: Each Bering Strait Tribe selects a delegate to attend an all-expenses paid, in-person workshop

Deadline: Please submit delegate’s name and contact information by November 1, 2023

To submit: Please fill out this Google form https://forms.gle/CRch2cjFEvzSK1v5A

Delegate Obligations:

Delegates who attend the workshop will receive a $1,000 honorarium, per diem, and have all travel expenses covered by Kawerak and its partners. Before attending the workshop, delegates will be asked to attend a preparatory webinar providing information on the project. We are holding the workshop in Juneau, because that is where the Marine Exchange of Alaska is located and where Arctic Watch would be housed.

Delegate Criteria:

To participate, delegates must be selected by a Bering Strait Tribal Council to represent their Tribe during the workshop, be at least 18 years of age, and be able to attend the full workshop in-person.

For More Information:

Please see the attached F&Q document for more information about Arctic Watch. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact Kawerak Marine Advocate Anna Rose MacArthur at armacarthur@kawerak.org or 907-443-4368. Or Arctic Watch Outreach Coordinator Kaare Erickson at sikuaq@ikaagun.com.

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