
Please join us for Ilisazaqtuagut, at the Katirvik Cultural Center, 8:30am – 4:00pm each day, Monday August 7 - Wednesday August 9. We want to [...]

Starting a Business Workshop in Diomede

Kawerak’s Business Planning Specialist Alice Bioff is heading out to Diomede with Ruth Wolf, Business Advisor with the Alaska Small Business Development Center. They [...]

Starting a Business Workshop in White Mountain

Kawerak’s Business Planning Specialist Alice Bioff is heading out to Diomede with Ruth Wolf, Business Advisor with the Alaska Small Business Development Center. They [...]

Nome Berry Festival

Nome Berry Festival! Come join us to celebrate our summer season and harvests with the Annual Berry Festival, Saturday August 19, 2023 11am – [...]

Starting a Business Workshop in Savoonga

Kawerak’s Business Planning Specialist Alice Bioff is heading out to Savoonga with Ruth Wolfe, Business Advisor with the Alaska Small Business Development Center. They [...]

Back to School Wellness Gathering

Nome Recreation Center 6th Ave, Nome

You're invited to join us for fun, laughter and learning as we take a break for Wellness before school officially begins! Something for all [...]

Starting a Business Workshop in Gambell

Kawerak’s Business Planning Specialist Alice Bioff is heading out to Savoonga with Ruth Wolfe, Business Advisor with the Alaska Small Business Development Center. They [...]

Tribal Justice Summit

Kawerak will be hosting the 2023 Tribal Justice Summit September 12th – 14th at the Nome Mini Convention Center. Representatives from the 20 Alaskan [...]

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