Cultural Awareness Training
All are welcome to attend our 1st Annual Regional Cultural Awareness Training. Kawerak Wellness is excited to host Empowering YOU LLC to present a [...]
Tribal Voices in Fishery Mangement Workshop
Tribal Voices in Fishery Management Workshop A zoom workshop for Tribal members, regarding how to testify before the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and [...]
Indigenous Languages in Transition – WAISC Reception
Meet at 6:30 at the Carrie M. McLain Memorial Museum (Richard Foster Building) to hear Gail Smithhisler speak regarding "Indigenous Languages in Transition" Register [...]
Giant Blue Egg Hunt
Find the hidden GIANT BLUE EGGS around town. Open to all youth only. If found return them to Boys and Girls Club for a [...]
WAISC Conference Day 1
Join for 16th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum Register in person or online at 8am REGISTRATION & COFFEE - NWC Education Center [...]
WAISC Conference Day 2
Join for 16th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum Register in person or online at 8:00am REGISTRATION & COFFEE - NWC Education [...]
Western Alaska in Transition – WASIC Banquet
Register and pay $40 banquet Fee for prime rib at Speaker Laureli Ivanoff will talk on the topic "Western Alaska in Transition" at 7:15pm [...]