Upcycling Contest

Join us for fun and repurpose waste materials into a new creative art project! Submit a photo of your art between April 1-20, winners/prizes [...]

B&G Giant Egg Hunt

Search and find the hidden GIANT EGGS around town. Open to all youth only. If found return them to Ryan at Boys and Girls [...]

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

 The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be taking place on April 17th at 2:00 pm for all youth at the youth softball fields ANB [...]

Amazing Race

All Nome youth are invited to solve clues, complete challenges and just have fun in NOME’S AMAZING RACE! Pick up your passport and starting [...]

Denim Day!

Join us and wear denim on April 27! This day is to bring awareness to women’s rights to wear anything they want and be [...]

Children’s March

Join us for this annual march for all Nomeites dedicated to bringing awareness to the cause of child abuse. We encourage parents to discuss [...]

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