Support a Stand, Spark a Dream – June 29th  – Lemonade Day!

Where youth learn important life skills and small business concepts by setting a goal, making a plan, working the plan and achieving their dream!

Nome Lemonade Day Stand Map

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Please support the next generation of young entrepreneurs!

The following villages with the awesome support of the individuals listed below will also have Lemonade day!
Brevig Mission – Darla Olanna *  Elim – Joseph Murray * Gambell – Melanie Campbell * Golovin – Stephanie Sampson * Koyuk – Melissa Kost  *  Little Diomede – Frances Ozenna *  St. Michael – Minnie Pete  *  Savoonga – Cerene Seppilu * Shishmaref – Nichole Turner *  Shaktoolik – Katelynn Evan   *  Stebbins – Stacey Matthias   *  Teller – Dolly Kugzruk   *  White Mountain – Carol Smith (hosted prior to June 29)  *   Unalakleet – Korbin Storms  *  Wales– Joanne Keyes   *  Nome – Andrea Irrigoo, Wade Silas, Patti Lillie, Alice Bioff
This event is brought to you by:
Our Children, Parents, City of Nome, Nome Chamber of Commerce, Kawerak, Inc., Sitnasuak Native Corporation, Bering Straits Native Corporation, Alaska Commercial Company, Safeway Hanson’s, Bering Air, Nome Community Center, Nome Eskimo Community, Wells Fargo, Bering Sea Lions Club, First National Bank of Alaska, Nome Convention and Visitors Bureau, Nome Public Schools, State of Alaska Small Busines Development Center, Norton Sound Health Corporation