On Monday March 3rd Kawerak submitted comments to the Alaska Board of Game proposals for 2025. Kawerak is committed to prioritizing and protecting subsistence rights, and the access and ability for our tribal members to participate in subsistence activities.

To advocate on behalf of subsistence users in the protection of customary and traditional harvest of all resources Kawerak expressed the following:

Kawerak supports:

Proposal 151 “Reauthorization of the current resident tag fee exemption for Brown Bears in GMU 18, 22, 23, &26A”

Kawerak opposes:

Proposal 86 “Mandatory reporting for sea duck harvest.”

Proposal 126 “Unlawful methods and means of taking game” where the exceptions allow the use of night vision and forward looking infrared devices for taking furbearers.

Proposal 129 & 130 “Establishing a minimum standard caliber restriction for the taking of big game animals.”

Proposal 135 “Allocate 10% of big game persist to non-residents.”

Proposal 139 & 140 “Remove evidence of sex on hunts limited to one sex.”

You can see the full letter and explanation below:
