Kawerak, Inc. needs your help! We are looking for opinions of Bering Strait Region residents to help us plan a strategy on how to best serve our region into the future. We have partnered with McDowell Group, an Alaska research firm, to help with this assessment. The survey will help us to get a picture of your community’s needs for programs and services. The information provided will be used for future program and service planning, to make sure Kawerak programs are necessary, relevant, and valuable to our communities.

All survey respondent answers will remain strictly confidential. Answers will not be connected with names.

You can complete this questionnaire online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KAWCNA19 by May 24, 2019. All respondents who wish to provide contact information (again, this will not be connected to your answers) will be entered into a drawing for 20,000 Alaska Airline Miles!