
This is the site of the former Koyuk City Tank Farm it contained two vertical fuel tanks within an earthen bermed area on the north end of the community. In early 2000, the tanks had been removed and the wooden berm with torn liner remain. Site is 0.05 acres.


Although the tanks have been removed, the plastic liner that they were on is obviously torn in many places. Concerned community members would like this site tested as it sits on top of a hill that runs down in the community proper and ultimately into the Koyuk River.  The community members are still very dependent on sea life and gathering of berries and greens.  Koyuk tribal members are worried that there has been run off contamination and hesitate to gather in this area.  It is 980 feet from the Koyuk River.  At this time, the community expresses that they would like the soils tested and the site cleaned up and let it turn back into a greenspace they can safely practice their traditional gathering on without concern for the health and safety of the community.


4/2022:  Kawerak Environmental Program Manager met with Koyuk Council and tribal members      to determine which site was top priority for the community.   It was determined at that time to pursue the clean-up of the former Koyuk City Tank Farm.

5/2022:  Kawerak Brownfield Program submitted an Eligibility Worksheet to EPA for approval for conducting a Phase I and Phase II assessment and testing for contaminants

6/2022:  Kawerak onducted a site visit.

10/2022: Phase I Completed.

4/2023: Sampling and Analysis plan completed.

8/2023: Phase II testing.

7/2024: ESA Phase II testing


 Phase II Report

Cleanup Plan

Visioning Re-use Planning.

Download the Full Report:
