The completed Local Economic Development Plan for Mary’s Igloo has now been posted! The community meeting was held on September 28th of 2016, where community members discussed plans for future projects and priorities of the community. The plan will guide the community from 2016 to 2021 and can be found on the Kawerak website, Mary’s Igloo LEDP.
Highlights from the plan include:
Jointly Approved Mary’s Igloo Development Priorities 2016-2021
- More Housing and Rental Units
- Bulk Fuel Improvements
- Heavy Equipment and Storage
- Alternative Sanitation Solutions for Teller
- Climate Change Coalition and Subsistence Advocacy
- Improve Public Safety
- Build a Community Hall
- Local Job Training and Local Job Database
- Alternative Energy Development Projects
- Re-establish the Tribe at Mary’s Igloo seasonally
Mary’s Igloo Community Mission Statement
“To serve our tribal members’ best interests as their elected officials by providing services they need and help them with their problems, protecting our land, and strengthening our sovereignty.”
Mary’s Igloo Community Vision Statement
“Mary’s Igloo will be a strong community that takes care of our people and our environment; works hard and stays healthy; lives and celebrates our cultural way of life; and makes wise development decisions and follows them through.”
Mary’s Igloo Community Values
• Respect for elders and children
•Subsistence – fishing and hunting lifestyle
•Cultural values and knowledge
•Traditional holidays, celebrations, and Eskimo games
• Knowledge of our language
• Healthcare
• Modern communication – telephone, internet, TV
• Respect for the land
A special thank you to the participants in the community planning:
A full copy of the 2016-2021 Mary’s Igloo Local Economic Development Plan is available online at: