Quarter 1, 2022 – Employees and Team of the Quarter
We are pleased to announce our award winners for Employees of the Quarter and Team of the Quarter for Quarter 1, January – March 2022! Employees of the Quarter Danielle Slingsby - Outreach Director "Danielle is always willing to help with advertising, [...]
Employment and Training Survey Results Finalized and Prize Winners Announced!
To prepare for Kawerak's new employment and training program, a region-wide survey was created. The survey requested feedback for the types of jobs and trainings regional residents were interested in, as well as what methods are best to get the word out [...]
How You and Denim Can Change the World
Many women and men are already have their outfit planned for April 27th. On the last Wednesday of April, people from all over the world will wear denim jeans or tops to remind their community about a woman’s right to wear what [...]
2022 Bering Strait Community Needs Assessment Published
This 2022 Bering Strait Community Needs Assessment describes and analyzes strengths, challenges, and needs among communities in the Kawerak Service Area. The report includes: Regional socioeconomics, demographics, health, housing, and infrastructure A profile of education, from early care and learning to post-secondary [...]
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Every April we don our blue in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month. Our goal is to raise awareness about the signs of child abuse and steps that can be taken to prevent it in our community. During Child Abuse Prevention Month —and [...]
Justice Prevails Through Alaska Supreme Court Ruling on Political Gerrymandering
Kawerak applauds the Alaska Supreme Court for upholding the equal protection clause of the Alaska State Constitution, as well as Kawerak President Melanie Bahnke and AFN Executive Vice President Nicole Borromeo for their tireless efforts to uphold equality when outlining the maps [...]
Kawerak, Inc. Receives $8 Million in Unrestricted Donation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 25, 2022 Kawerak, Inc. Receives $8 Million in Unrestricted Donation The Mackenzie Scott Foundation is donating $8 million dollars to Kawerak, Inc. and is allowing Kawerak to decide how to use the funds. “It’s the largest unrestricted [...]
Kawerak Stands for a Peaceful Arctic
Kawerak, Inc. would like to echo sentiments made by the Inuit Circumpolar Council and other Arctic organizations in the desire for a peaceful Arctic. War does not solve issues. We keep our indigenous relatives in Russia in our hearts and minds during [...]
ICC and Kawerak, Inc Publication on Co-Production of Knowledge
PRESS RELEASE: ICC and Kawerak, Inc Publication on Co-Production of Knowledge March 24, 2022 Anchorage, Alaska – The Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska and Kawerak, Inc. are pleased to share the release of the publication A framework for co-production of knowledge in the context of [...]
Student Highlight: Amber Ongtowasruk
“Now I for sure want to further my education in accounting at one of the University of Alaska campuses and earn a bachelor’s degree.” We don’t always know what we want to do in life. Sometimes figuring that out means getting our [...]
2021 Employee of the Year – Clarissa Eide and Kendra Takak
Employee of the Year is selected out of the outstanding employees who were selected as Employee of the Quarter throughout the year. Nominations are collected each quarter for employees who did an outstanding job throughout the quarter, took initiative to do something [...]
2021 Matthew Iya – Celeste Menadelook
Each year Kawerak employees have the opportunity to nominate a fellow employee who helps make Kawerak a great place to work. This award is in memory of the late Matthew Iya, who was our Eskimo Walrus Commission & Housing Improvement Director in [...]