On 4-16-2021, Kawerak Land Management Services (LMS) received a copy of Public Notice for POA-20198-00123, from the Fairbanks Field Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District; Regarding Beau Epstein IPOP, L.L.C. application for the Bonanza Channel/Safety Sound area and we are forwarding the Public Notice.
Beau Epstein, with IPOP, LLC., states the project purpose involves two components: regulated activities associated with the proposed scientific information gathering plan (termed the “case study”) to provide supporting information for the previously proposed five-year mining plan and regulated activities of the five-year mining plan (previously described in Public Notice POA-2018-00123, Safety Sound/Bonanza Channel; issued July 31, 2020). The work being proposed includes work in the Bonanza Channel of Safety Sound, a Section 10 waterbody, and the dredging and discharge of dredged material into waters of the U.S. (the Bonanza Channel of Safety Sound and adjacent wetlands). All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-29), dated April 2021.
The project site is located approximately 25 miles east of Nome, Alaska, in Bonanza Channel and at approximately Mile Post 28.5 along the Nome-Council Road, between Latitude 64.5044° N., Longitude 164.6169° W., on the western limit and Latitude 64.52866° N, Longitude 164.5447° W. on the eastern limit; within the following sections, townships, and ranges: Section 24, T. 11 S., R. 30 W., Kateel Meridian; Section 25, T. 11 S., R. 30 W., Kateel Meridian; Section 26, T. 11 S., R. 30 W., Kateel Meridian; Section 18, T. 11 S., R. 29 W., Kateel Meridian; Section 19, T. 11 S., R. 29 W., Kateel Meridian; USGS Quad Map Solomon C-6. Please contact Tiffany Kwakwa at (907) 474-2167, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at: Tiffany.D.Kwakwa@usace.army.mil if further information is desired concerning this notice.
The comment period for the Public Notice Expiration date is: May 17, 2021 re: IPOP mining permit Reference Number: POA-20198-00123 with the Department of US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District is out for review. IPOP’s proposed gold mining site is near Native Allotment properties and lands and waters that a lot of people hunt and fish on.
Interested parties are hereby notified that the Department of the Army permit application has been received for work in the waters of the United States (U.S.) as described below and shown on the enclosed project drawings. (Open Hyperlink) http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/PublicNotices.aspx
All comment should include the New PN reference number listed (Public Notice for POA-20198-00123).
All written comments regarding this Public Notice (PN) should be sent to the address noted below.
Fairbanks Field Office
Regulatory Division (1145)
2175 University Avenue, Suite 201E
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-4927
If you desire to submit your comments by email, you should send it to the Project Managers email Tiffany.D.Kwakwa@usace.army.mil or to regpagemaster@usace.army.mil
All comments should reach their office no later than the expiration date (Expiration date: May 17, 2021)
Please contact Tiffany Kwakwa at 907-474-2167, toll-free from within Alaska at 800-478-2712, or by email at Tiffany.D.Kwakwa@usace.army.mil if further information is desired concerning this notice.
Download the full permit here: https://kawerak.org/download/ipop-bonanza-channel-application/