
The Savoonga landfill was used for many years as a disposal site for transformers, heavy equipment, fuel barrels, household trash, batteries and any other disposable items were all buried in this landfill.  The Landfill was closed down and capped in 1990. However, it has become a bone yard for dilapidated heavy machinery, which is also contaminating the topsoil as the fluids seep out of them. Site is 3 acres.


The former landfill is located right next to the school and community members are afraid that it may be leeching into the plants and water sources around the village area it is also very close to the water’s edge and on an uphill so any contaminants that are in the unlined landfill could be trickling down into the Bering Sea which may have adverse effects on their food sources.


4/2022: Kawerak Environmental Program Manager met with Savoonga Council and tribal members to determine which site was top priority for the community.   It was determined at that time to pursue the cleanup of the former landfill site.

5/2022:  Kawerak Brownfield Program submitted an Eligibility Worksheet to EPA for approval   for conducting a Phase I and Phase II assessment and testing for contaminants.

6/2022: Kawerak Brownfield staff conducted a site visit.

10/2022: ESA Phase I completed.

4/2023: Sampling and Analysis plan complete.

7/2023: Endangered Species Act Memo submitted.

7/2023: National Historic Preservation Act letter submitted.

5/28/24: Kawerak conducted visioning meeting with community on site reuse options.


6/2025: Removal of dilapidated equipment on site.

7/2025: Phase II testing.


WEAR Trip Report
