Forms Coming Soon!
Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness program at Kawerak focuses on emergency planning and hazard mitigation for the communities of the Bering Strait Region. For this program, Kawerak created a grant funded position to focus on our regional villages’ emergency preparedness efforts.
We partner with the State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s planning and hazard mitigation staff to make sure our communities are prepared for local disasters.
One resource we have for communities is the Small Community Emergency Response Toolkit: SCERP Toolkit
To learn more about this program, please contact Emergency Preparedness Specialist Kevin Knowlton at kknowlton@kawerak.org or (907) 443-4384.
For information on assistance and current disasters please visit https://kawerak.org/response/
NEW! Changes to FEMA Assistance 2024
For more information visit
kawerak.org/response or
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plans
Hazard Mitigation Planning (HMP) is a process where each community can come together to identify natural or manmade hazards that can happen in your village. This process looks at the whole community, from location of the village to location of necessary services (city government, health clinic, school, tribal office, store, utilities). This is done to identify what critical facilities are at the most risk and where emergency response would have the most need in your village. An HMP identifies projects that reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards such as earthquake, erosion, ground failure (permafrost), flood, severe weather, wildland fire hazards etc. The plan identifies potential risks, solutions, and projects that could reduce impacts when a disaster occurs. Mitigation planning protects communities now before a disaster strikes and is an investment in the community’s future, safety and sustainability.
Kawerak Inc has been working with communities to develop their Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plans and pursue approval of the plan by the State of Alaska, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and FEMA. Once approved, each tribe will be eligible to apply for grant funding for projects that protect the community’s assets from natural hazards. Projects prioritized by the Tribe will be pursued for implementation.
The first phase of the project started in 2021 and identified ten Tribes in the region (Brevig Mission, Diomede, Teller, White Mountain, Golovin, Elim, Koyuk, Unalakleet, St. Michael, and Gambell). Eight of the Tribes invited their local municipality to join their HMP. A total of 18 jurisdictions successfully completed the planning process and received formal FEMA approval in 2023.
The second phase of the project started in late 2023/early 2024 and identified five Tribes in the region (Wales, Nome Eskimo Community, Solomon, King Island, Council) to complete HMPs. The Native Village of Wales invited the City of Wales to join their planning effort. The planning teams anticipate submitting their HMPs for approval in the summer of 2024.
For more information about mitigation planning, please see FEMA guidance at https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/risk-management/hazard-mitigation-planning.
Nome Area Tribes Hazard Mitigation Plan Seeking Public Comment
Nome Eskimo Community, King Island Native Community, Native Village of Council, and the Village of Solomon are pleased to present the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan portion of our 2024 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for public review and comment.
This plan is the culmination of the Planning Teams work on identifying the natural hazards that impact the jurisdictions; the critical facilities and infrastructure that are at risk from those hazards; and mitigation projects intended to reduce or eliminate the risk. Public participation and review are a FEMA requirement and we welcome your comments. We ask that you provide comments to our contractor (laura.young@fairweather.com or Olivia.kavanaugh@fairweather.com) by October 30, 2024 so we can finalize the plan and submit it to the State of Alaska and FEMA for review and approval.
Download the draft plan here: https://kawerak.org/download/nome-area-tribes-hazard-mitigation-plan/?tmstv=1719444843
Wales Hazard Mitigation Plan (DRAFT)
The Native Village and City of Wales are presenting the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan of their 2024 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Public Review and Comment. This plan is the culmination of the Planning Teams work on identifying the natural hazards that impact the jurisdictions; the critical facilities and infrastructure that are at risk from those hazards; and mitigation projects intended to reduce or eliminate the risk. Public participation and review are a FEMA requirement and we welcome your comments. We ask that you provide comments to our contractor (laura.young@fairweather.com or Olivia.kavanaugh@fairweather.com) by October 30, 2024 so we can finalize the plan and submit it to the State of Alaska and FEMA for review and approval.
Download the draft plan here: https://kawerak.org/download/wales-multi-jurisdictional-hazard-mitigation-plan-2024/?tmstv=1716918832
Hazard Mitigation Planning with Kawerak and Fairweather Science
To learn more about the project please visit the Storymap here: Kawerak, Inc. Tribal Hazard Mitigation Planning Project (arcgis.com).
You can also access the project survey at the link here: Phase 2- Kawerak, Inc. Hazard Mitigation Plan Questionnaire Survey (surveymonkey.com) to provide thoughts on hazards, preparedness, and mitigation projects.
Our focus is to provide community-lead assistance in SCERP planning utilizing a tool kit developed by the State of Alaska to assist our communities manage and direct local response to disasters.
Other SCERP benefits—Exercising the SCERP with the State of Alaska. They will develop an exercise that will fit your community’s needs, provide staff to evaluate your communities response, complete after action reports and this will assist your community possibly obtain much needed supplies and equipment through grants directly to your village.

State of Alaska Individual and Family Assistance Fact Sheet https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/SOA-Individual-Assistance-Fact-Sheet-2024-October-West-Coast-Storm44.pdf
Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans. http://www.fema.gov/pdf/about/divisions/npd/CPG_101_V2.pdf
State of Alaska Small Community Emergency Response Plan Development Resources. https://ready.alaska.gov/Plans/SCERP
Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness program at Kawerak focuses on emergency planning and hazard mitigation for the communities of the Bering Strait Region. For this program, Kawerak created a grant funded position to focus on our regional villages’ emergency preparedness efforts.
We partner with the State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s planning and hazard mitigation staff to make sure our communities are prepared for local disasters.
One resource we have for communities is the Small Community Emergency Response Toolkit: SCERP Toolkit
To learn more about this program, please contact Emergency Preparedness Specialist Kevin Knowlton at kknowlton@kawerak.org or (907) 443-4384.
For information on assistance and current disasters please visit https://kawerak.org/response/
NEW! Changes to FEMA Assistance 2024
For more information visit
kawerak.org/response or
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plans
Hazard Mitigation Planning (HMP) is a process where each community can come together to identify natural or manmade hazards that can happen in your village. This process looks at the whole community, from location of the village to location of necessary services (city government, health clinic, school, tribal office, store, utilities). This is done to identify what critical facilities are at the most risk and where emergency response would have the most need in your village. An HMP identifies projects that reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards such as earthquake, erosion, ground failure (permafrost), flood, severe weather, wildland fire hazards etc. The plan identifies potential risks, solutions, and projects that could reduce impacts when a disaster occurs. Mitigation planning protects communities now before a disaster strikes and is an investment in the community’s future, safety and sustainability.
Kawerak Inc has been working with communities to develop their Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plans and pursue approval of the plan by the State of Alaska, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and FEMA. Once approved, each tribe will be eligible to apply for grant funding for projects that protect the community’s assets from natural hazards. Projects prioritized by the Tribe will be pursued for implementation.
The first phase of the project started in 2021 and identified ten Tribes in the region (Brevig Mission, Diomede, Teller, White Mountain, Golovin, Elim, Koyuk, Unalakleet, St. Michael, and Gambell). Eight of the Tribes invited their local municipality to join their HMP. A total of 18 jurisdictions successfully completed the planning process and received formal FEMA approval in 2023.
The second phase of the project started in late 2023/early 2024 and identified five Tribes in the region (Wales, Nome Eskimo Community, Solomon, King Island, Council) to complete HMPs. The Native Village of Wales invited the City of Wales to join their planning effort. The planning teams anticipate submitting their HMPs for approval in the summer of 2024.
For more information about mitigation planning, please see FEMA guidance at https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/risk-management/hazard-mitigation-planning.
Nome Area Tribes Hazard Mitigation Plan Seeking Public Comment
Nome Eskimo Community, King Island Native Community, Native Village of Council, and the Village of Solomon are pleased to present the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan portion of our 2024 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for public review and comment.
This plan is the culmination of the Planning Teams work on identifying the natural hazards that impact the jurisdictions; the critical facilities and infrastructure that are at risk from those hazards; and mitigation projects intended to reduce or eliminate the risk. Public participation and review are a FEMA requirement and we welcome your comments. We ask that you provide comments to our contractor (laura.young@fairweather.com or Olivia.kavanaugh@fairweather.com) by October 30, 2024 so we can finalize the plan and submit it to the State of Alaska and FEMA for review and approval.
Download the draft plan here: https://kawerak.org/download/nome-area-tribes-hazard-mitigation-plan/?tmstv=1719444843
Wales Hazard Mitigation Plan (DRAFT)
The Native Village and City of Wales are presenting the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan of their 2024 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Public Review and Comment. This plan is the culmination of the Planning Teams work on identifying the natural hazards that impact the jurisdictions; the critical facilities and infrastructure that are at risk from those hazards; and mitigation projects intended to reduce or eliminate the risk. Public participation and review are a FEMA requirement and we welcome your comments. We ask that you provide comments to our contractor (laura.young@fairweather.com or Olivia.kavanaugh@fairweather.com) by October 30, 2024 so we can finalize the plan and submit it to the State of Alaska and FEMA for review and approval.
Download the draft plan here: https://kawerak.org/download/wales-multi-jurisdictional-hazard-mitigation-plan-2024/?tmstv=1716918832
Hazard Mitigation Planning with Kawerak and Fairweather Science
To learn more about the project please visit the Storymap here: Kawerak, Inc. Tribal Hazard Mitigation Planning Project (arcgis.com).
You can also access the project survey at the link here: Phase 2- Kawerak, Inc. Hazard Mitigation Plan Questionnaire Survey (surveymonkey.com) to provide thoughts on hazards, preparedness, and mitigation projects.
Our focus is to provide community-lead assistance in SCERP planning utilizing a tool kit developed by the State of Alaska to assist our communities manage and direct local response to disasters.
Other SCERP benefits—Exercising the SCERP with the State of Alaska. They will develop an exercise that will fit your community’s needs, provide staff to evaluate your communities response, complete after action reports and this will assist your community possibly obtain much needed supplies and equipment through grants directly to your village.

State of Alaska Individual and Family Assistance Fact Sheet https://kawerak.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/SOA-Individual-Assistance-Fact-Sheet-2024-October-West-Coast-Storm44.pdf
Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans. http://www.fema.gov/pdf/about/divisions/npd/CPG_101_V2.pdf
State of Alaska Small Community Emergency Response Plan Development Resources. https://ready.alaska.gov/Plans/SCERP
Forms Coming Soon!