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Kawerak’s EESS Team Earns Accolades

June 10th, 2024|

Each year the Bureau of Indian Affairs Division of Workforce Development select a 477 Tribe or Tribal Consortium to receive an award for outstanding [...]

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Kawerak Podcast Radio

4 days ago

Kawerak Inc
FYI from Fish and Game - Pilgrim River Sockeye subsistence announcement. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

Kawerak Inc
LAST CHANCE! DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JULY 19! Join us for Camp Igaliq with Kawerak Wellness 2024!Camp Igaliq is an opportunity for youth ages 14-18 to gather in an outdoor setting to learn a variety of skills, participate in activities, meet other youth from the region, and work with Kawerak Wellness and Mentors. Camp Igaliq will take place outside of Nome from August 5th through August 9th, 2024.Download the application at to get started. You can also get help with the application by visiting your Tribal Office or stop by our offices locally on the second floor of the Old Federal building on Front Street. If you have questions call Bobby at 443-4392. ... See MoreSee Less
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7 days ago

Kawerak Inc
Probates are cases where allotee owners have passed away without a will, and heirs have been identified. The hearing is to allow public notice for anyone with interest in an estate of those listed that passed away.A NOTE ABOUT PROBATESIf you have a family member who owns Native Allotment and/or Restricted Town site property pass away, contact the Kawerak Probate Specialists to start the probate case. It is the only way those who inherit this kind of property can be identified as a rightful owner. The federal judge must approve all Last Wills. Kawerak LMS works with all surviving family to provide the Federal Judge with required information for the official hearing. REMEMBER: State Probates are separate, and Local & Regional Corporations have their own Shareholder probate process.Learn more at ... See MoreSee Less
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7 days ago

Kawerak Inc
It's your lucky day! Application deadline has been extended to Friday July 19th to be in Kawerak's Peer Mentoring Program. There's nothing but benefits to get connected with a mentor to show you all the tricks to getting around campus, having a successful first year at school, and be able to stay grounded with your culture and region while you are away. No cost to you! Sign up today at ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Kawerak Inc
Sharing this exciting opportunity for regional artists.2025 Fellowship Applications Open - more and apply for the 2025 First Peoples Fund Artist-in-Business Leadership Fellowship and the Cultural Capital Fellowship. ... See MoreSee Less
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