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Important and Time-Sensitive Announcement regarding Chum Bycatch:
Kawerak Social Science is hosting a zoom / phone meeting for Tribal Councils and Tribal Members of our region regarding the NOAA, NPFMC Environmental Impact Statement addressing Chum Salmon bycatch.
NOAA NPFMC is seeking Tribal input into the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) by October 4 and your voices will help us develop this.
Kawerak is hosting this informational meeting to solicit feedback on OCTOBER 1 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.
We hope you can join us for this important meeting, to ensure your voices are heard on the issue of Chum Salmon bycatch!
How to Join
You can call in by phone, or join the zoom… here is the information to join the meeting:
Call in with your phone at the following number: 1-253 205 0468
The Meeting ID is: 862 4344 4007
You can also join the zoom at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86243444007
Contact Us
Please contact the following individuals if you have any questions:
Lisa Ellanna, lellanna@kawerak.org
Brenden Raymond-Yakoubian, sandhillcc@gmail.com

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