1st Annual Sitnasuaġmiut Christmas Games
The first annual Sitnasuaġmiut Christmas Games was a success! Throughout the course of the event on December 28th, participants jumped in a series of [...]
The first annual Sitnasuaġmiut Christmas Games was a success! Throughout the course of the event on December 28th, participants jumped in a series of [...]
The Village of Solomon with partners Kawerak, Norton Sound Health Corporation and Bering Straits Native Corporation are delighted to present Celebrating Culture - Indigenous [...]
Save the Date! The Nome Berry Festival will be on Wednesday August 24th at the Nome Recreation Center! The festival is scheduled for 11am-6:30pm. [...]
2019 marks the 5th Honoring Our Children Event following the collaborative effort of the community to provide a calendar of free healthy activities for [...]
Alaska Public Media hosted a community conversation on August 29th called "COMMUNITY IN UNITY Building Community Connections" within the walls of Anvil Mountain Correctional [...]
Kawerak Inc. is pleased to announce we are currently looking for dance groups to perform at the 2018 Kawerak Regional Conference to be held [...]
We invite you to join us. The 2018 Kawerak Regional Conference will take place November 6-8 in Nome, Alaska. This year we gather around [...]
Viewing a 2,000 year old harpoon head, listening to age old stories, discovering ancient medicinal plants, and standing against the backdrop of documented archaeology [...]
Camp Igaliq is an opportunity for youth ages 15-18 to gather in an outdoor setting to learn a variety of skills, participate in activities, [...]
On April 16, 2018 children, families, tribal ICWA workers, and State OCS workers came together in honor of the tribal youth in the foster [...]