2024 Nome Berry Festival
Don't miss your opportunity to participate in the 2024 Nome Berry Festival! The festival will be held on June 21st, the Summer Solstice, from [...]
RFP – Brownfields BIL Project
RFP Summary: Kawerak, Inc.’s Environmental Program seeks a contractor to conduct a series of assessments, meetings, and plans for four sites within the Bering [...]
Kawerak Comments Regarding the ARTIST Act of 2023 and Proposed Amendments to the Indian Arts and Crafts Board Regulations
Letter Overview "There is a rich diversity in culture and language in our region, and the artwork that is created shares intimate aspects of [...]
Graves of 1918-1919 Spanish Flu Victims Located
Graves of 1918-1919 Spanish Flu Victims Located Ground penetrating radar survey conducted at Pilgrim Hot Springs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 15, 2023 Nome, AK [...]
My-Cache Spring Scholarship Deadline!
Don't forget to apply for your spring scholarship! You can apply for your my-cache scholarship at https://my-cache.org! December 1st is the deadline so don't delay! [...]
Vendor Workshop in Nome!
Vendors for the Nome Blueberry Festival are now offered the ability to sign up for a NO COST vendor workshop with voyij.com. Space is [...]
Kawerak Summer Childcare Program
Are you interested in summer childcare for a child between 3 and 5 years of age? Kawerak UPLC child care program in Nome has [...]
Justice Prevails Through Alaska Supreme Court Ruling on Political Gerrymandering
Kawerak applauds the Alaska Supreme Court for upholding the equal protection clause of the Alaska State Constitution, as well as Kawerak President Melanie Bahnke [...]
RFP: Pilgrim Hot Springs Food Distribution Model
Project Description Kawerak, Inc. is soliciting Proposals as a co-managing owner of Unaatuq, LLC for Pilgrim Hot Springs. This Request for Proposals is for [...]