The site was originally owned by the Department of Transportation and was used as a landfill; the residents of Elim also utilized the landfill during this time. The DOT then deeded the site to the City of Elim, which continued to operate it as a landfill. At some point, a large shop was constructed to house city equipment and a boneyard for obsolete equipment and storage of used oil and fuel storage. Site is approximately 3 acres.
The shop has a dirt floor with obvious petroleum staining, strong smell of petroleum within possible asbestos and lead paint in the interior. In the exterior there is obvious petroleum staining, stressed vegetation, strong diesel odors, multiple visible barrels and containers of diesel and other petroleum products, smashed and solid vehicle batteries along with tires.
4/2010: Elim City Shop was first documented into the DEC database as a possible Brownfield site. Later that year Oasis Environmental conducted a Property Assessment and Cleanup Plan and submitted it to the DEC.
4/2022: Kawerak Environmental Program Manager met with Elim Council and tribal members to determine which site was top priority for the Village. It was determined at that time to pursue the clean-up of the Elim Old City Shop as the residents were concerned about the health and safety of the employees within the shop as well as the obvious contamination surrounding the building. They expressed a concern of the spread of contaminants from the site.
5/2022: Kawerak Brownfield Program submitted an Eligibility Worksheet to EPA for approval for conducting a Phase I and Phase II assessment and testing for contaminants.
6/2022: Kawerak Brownfield staff conducted a site visit to Elim.
10/22: Completed Phase 1 ESA
4/2023: Sampling and Analysis plan.
9/2023: Waste Characterization.
7/2024: Partial removal of surface debris.
Phase II testing.
Community reuse vision meeting.
Phase II report
Elim 2013 WEAR Trip Report:
[Download not found]DEC Link: https://dec.alaska.gov/Applications/SPAR/PublicMVC/CSP/SiteReport/25510