
The Golovin former washeteria was built in the 1970’s to allow access to showers and laundromat facilities for community members.  The washeteria is no longer in use. Site is 0.1 acres.


The Golovin community has concerns that since the washeteria was built which was the late 1970’s that the tiles are made of asbestos and the paint is most likely lead based.  The walls and floors are chipped and flaking off.


4/2022: Kawerak Environmental Program Director met with Golovin Council and tribal members to determine which site was top priority for the community.   It was determined at that time to pursue the clean-up and reuse of the former washeteria site.

5/2022: Kawerak Brownfield Coordinator submitted an Eligibility Worksheet to EPA for approval for conducting a Phase I and Phase II assessment and testing for contaminants.

6/2022: Kawerak Brownfield staff and contractor conducted a site visit.

10/2022: ESA Phase I Completed.

4/2023: Sampling and Analysis plan.

5/2023: Visioning Re-use Planning.

7/2023: Phase II Assessment Building Material testing.

1/2024: Phase II Report


Cleanup Plan.