One of 38 graduates accepting their certification for completion fo the UCLA Head Start Management Fellows Program was Kawerak’s Krystal Hensley, Head Start’s Child Development Program Manager. We are grateful she took the initiative to complete this program to bring new skills to the Head Start Program in Nome.

The intensive 12 day program assists management level Head Start employees across the country develop effective leadership skills. The confidence gained to work effectively and successfully with her team will result in improved services at all levels of the program.

The UCLA Head Start Management Fellows Program was developed in 1991 to strengthen the management and leadership skills of Head Start administrators and is currently funded by the Head Start National Center on Program and Management and Fiscal Operations. “Head Start creates the foundation for a wonderful future for children and their families,” said Yasmine Daniel-Vargas, director of the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations. “Graduates of the UCLA Head Start Management Fellows Program have introduced successful community initiatives that make a lasting impact on the health, nutrition, and school readiness of the children they serve. The commitment of the UCLA Anderson School of Management to teaching excellence is a hallmark of the program’s enduring success.”

Head Start programs provide comprehensive developmental services to low-income, preschool children and their families. Head Start also provides a range of medical, dental, mental health and nutrition care, and parent involvement services. Program directors supervise nearly 265,000 paid staff and more than one million volunteers nationwide. In FY 2018,Head Start programs served 1,050,000 children ages birth to five and pregnant moms, making a total of more than 36 million since its inception in 1965.

Kawerak strives to provide the opportunity for the youth in our region to attend early learning opportunities thought our local Head Starts. Currently, there are Head Start Programs in Brevig Mission, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, Koyuk, Nome, Saint Michael, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Teller and White Mountain. Kawerak also operates Early Head Start programs in the following communities: Brevig Mission, Elim and Nome. All Head Start children are guided in developing social skills, physical fitness and educational tools that give them a head start towards kindergarten.

For more information on Kawerak Head Start and Early Head Start programming, please visit









About National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations

UMass Donahue Institute, along with its partners FHI360, ZERO TO THREE, and UCLA Anderson School of Management, serves as the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations (NCPMFO) for the Office of Head Start.  NCPMFO disseminates clear, consistent messages on Office of Head Start priorities for the development and implementation of sound management systems and strong internal controls for all grantees.  The Center’s work includes, but is not limited to, topics such as leadership, governance, data collection and analysis, enhancing fiscal systems, management of multiple funding sources, and infrastructure enhancement to support a well-managed system of early care and education.


About UCLA Anderson School of Management

The UCLA Anderson School of Management is recognized as one of America’s premier graduate business schools. Its preeminent position is based on internationally acclaimed research, an innovative and distinguished faculty and exceptionally bright, highly motivated students chosen from one of the largest and finest application pools in the nation.
