We are proud to announce the recent graduation of Universal Technical Institute’s Basic Welding Course, Dallas Davis!

From September 2022 to June 2023 Dallas attended the 9 month certification course in Arizona, initially because he thought many of his friends were going. When all but his cousin decided not to go, that didn’t deter Dallas. He said “It was a good chance for me to leave home and find something to do instead of sitting around. I made a lot of new friends and it was actually fun!”

Dallas was able to get a loan for his tuition, but the challenging part financially was actually living expenses. This is where Kawerak stepped in and made the difference. “Kawerak supplied scholarship for rent and food. Not only that, they purchased my work attire and tools; I get to keep those forever.” Dallas said the support he received from Kawerak’s Employment and Training Department definitely allowed him to take this opportunity. Without the support, he would not have been able to afford the experience.

Dallas learned that welding actually came pretty easily to him, and even the most challenging weld that we was taught was his favorite. With this trade skill under his belt Dallas is turning his sights on employment. “There are no jobs currently to weld in Shishmaref, but I have some leads in Nome and I’m looking forward to having work.” Dallas said he aims to save up and pay off his loans first, which he’s confident to be debt free in a few months. He mentioned he was thankful for Kawerak’s guidance as well as his mom Gwen Davis, dad Dennis Davis, and grandfather Percy Nayokpuk for all their support.

Kawerak’s Employment and Training team is available to assist tribal members with their goals to get into the workforce! That could be assistance to identify resources, scholarships, support check-ins, training, employment assistance AND MORE! We are motivated if you are. You can check out the services online at kawerak.org (Employment and Education section) or give us a call at 1-800-450-4341.