Kawerak’s Child Care Program is excited to announce a new development with Tribally Approved Child Care. In order to increase access, we have expanded our Tribally Approved Relative Provider program to include extended family and non-relatives.

Now, providers can enroll in our program to become a Tribally Approved Provider and receive payment for up to 4 tribally enrolled youth under the age of 13, or up to age 19 with a documented disability. For full time care, providers will be compensated $70 per child. The half day rate is $45 per child.

NEW! All families of tribally enrolled children are eligible for child care assistance, regardless of income. Income will only be used to determine co-payment amount. Families of eligible children will not pay more than 7% of their income. Also, the determined co-payment is per family, not per child. In order to get started, parents will need to apply for Kawerak Childcare Assistance. Once in the program, their child or children will be eligible for payment from a Tribally Approved Provider. Also, please note, families may have multiple providers, so long as at least one is enrollment based.

Quality Improvement grants are available for providers to support healthy child development.

To apply or learn more visit kawerak.org/childcare or call us at 907-443-4263!